JON Plugin for Websphere patching

Bill Pulec bill.pulec at
Wed Jun 8 20:27:51 UTC 2011

I'm attempting to get an estimate on the time and materials that would be required for a new plugin to extend JON to patch WebSphere libraries. I envision this plugin will allow the administrator to select a subset of WAS nodes and a new JAR library to add to the nodes, then have JON deploy(these would probably be stored on a shared drive) the JARs to the correct directories, remove the old version and then restart the WAS nodes(in specified order if need be). JON would then display status as to the success or failure of the patch.

Please let me know if you need any more details.


Bill Pulec
Amentra Inc., a Red Hat Company
101 N. Wacker, Suite 150
Chicago, IL 60606
Bill.Pulec at<mailto:Bill.Pulec at> | c. (920)606-2554

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