postgres jar checked in to git

Heiko W.Rupp hrupp at
Tue Jul 12 18:32:54 UTC 2011


Am 12.07.2011 um 18:53 schrieb Ian Springer:

> I just noticed this in a recent checkin:
> .../test/resources/postgresql-9.0-801.jdbc4.jar    |  Bin 539705 -> 
> 539705 bytes
> It's preferable to avoid checking jars and other binaries into git when 
> possible.

Hm. I hear what you say. How can I make sure that this dependency
does not change - meaning the above jar is a test dependency, that
will make the test fail if e.g. 9.0-802... is used.

> In this case, an alternative would be to add the jar as a test-scoped 
> dependency, and then use the maven dependency plugin to copy the jar 
> into the target/test-classes/ dir. The poms of most of our Agent plugins 
> contain examples of using the dependency plugin to copy jars.


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