Apache resource upgrade integration tests

Lukas Krejci lkrejci at redhat.com
Tue Jul 12 12:24:58 UTC 2011

Ok, I didn't realize one important thing. The server always has only the 
latest version of the plugin so some of the steps I outlined below won't be 

See the edits below.

On Tuesday, July 12, 2011 13:37:12 Lukas Krejci wrote:
> On Monday, July 11, 2011 20:51:05 Charles Crouch wrote:
> ... snip ...
> > Can you elaborate on what state the system will be in if an upgrade
> > "fails" and also the expected type of next steps are a user should take
> > to get themselves into a consistent state, assuming state after upgrade
> > "failure" is inconsistent.
> Upgrade can fail for two of reasons:
> 1) the upgrade method of the discovery component of certain resource type
> throws an exception - i.e. fails to upgrade a resource.
> 2) 2 or more sibling resources would have the same resource key after the
> upgrade.
> In either case, the following will happen:
> 1) All sibling resources of the failed ones are permanently stopped until
> the upgrade error "clears" (more on that below), i.e. they all appear red
> in the UI.
> 2) The resources that failed upgrade are assigned a resource error of type
> "UPGRADE" with a detailed description of the upgrade failure (i.e. the
> exception message in case of the upgrade method failure, or the list of the
> conflicting resources in case of resource key duplicities). The error is
> visible in the detail page of the UI after clicking on the "warning
> triangle" icon next to the availability icon.
> The user is then expected to do the following:
> 1) Upgrade method failure:
> a) more than 1 vhost could match the resource key:
>    i) Upgrading from RHQ 1.3.x:
>       The triggering scenario for this is quite convoluted:
>       The apache config would have to change order of the vhosts in the
> config files so that the SNMP WWW Service index would no longer correspond
> (thus making the vhost resource basically invalid because it would monitor
> a different vhost than it appears to represent). In addition to that, the
> vhost in the apache config that corresponds to the SNMP index would have
> to have the same ServerName as one or more other vhost in the apache
> config (this is legal, but confuses RHQ 1.3.x plugin which isn't able to
> distinguish between such vhosts).
>       The only universal advice here is just to uninventory the vhosts and
> let RHQ discover them anew because the monitoring was broken anyway. 
>    ii) Upgrading from RHQ 3.0.2:
>        there is a mix up in the SNMP WWW service indices. The user
>        is advised to consult the output of the "Detect SNMP WWW Service
>        indexes" operation on the apache server resource to determine
>        what indexes the vhosts should have and edit the plugin configs of
>        the vhosts to assign the correct SNMP WWW service index value there.

This is not possible. The operation no longer exists as doesn't the property. 
The only option is uninventorying the offending vhost resources.

>    iii) Upgrading from RHQ 3.0.0 or RHQ 3.0.1:
>         there is not much for the user to do here, because the old resource
>         key is ambiguous and there's no way to provide more info to
>         the plugin. The only thing that the user can do is to uninventory
> the failed vhost resources.
> b) no vhost could match the resource key:
> This can happen for a main vhost which has a resource key that doesn't
> correspond to the URL property in the connection properties of Apache
> server resource and SNMP is either not configured or RHQ 3.0.[01] code
> fails to determine the SNMP index from the SNMP report. In such case
> though there should be another main vhost discovered that corresponds to
> the URL property. The advice here is to uninventory the main vhost that
> has the resource key different to the URL property.
> 2) Multiple vhosts upgrade to the same resource key:
> This could happen in RHQ 3.0.[01] if Apache server was first discovered
> without SNMP support and SNMP would be later configured. In such case, 2
> vhost resources would appear for each of the vhosts, one with RHQ4-like
> resource key and one with RHQ1.3-like resource key.
> The user is free to pick which one of the duplicate vhosts she wants to
> keep (possibly the one on which alerts are defined) and uninventory the
> other.
> Once the upgrade error is resolved using one of the above methods, the
> plugin container of the agent has to be restarted to pick up those changes
> and successfully upgrade the resources.
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