mod_cluster Prototype Screens

John Mazzitelli mazz at
Wed Jul 6 21:22:17 UTC 2011

They look good to me. Nice job.

One suggestion - the resource names could probably be shortened. For 
one, you don't need the word "Context" in them. Also, you might be able 
to just use the path, no? The resource names can be short, because now 
we have disambiguation tooltips in most of our UI views, so people can 
hover over them and see the hierarchy (i.e. see what their parent is). 
So perhaps your names can just be in the form "/jbossws", I'm not sure 
you'd even need hostname. Several months ago, we actually went through 
and shrunk all our resource names down to the minimum (but still tried 
to make them relatively unique) and we rely on the disambigutation 
columns in the UI to help discern further the identity.

Note that, one neat thing here is, since each webapp context is a 
separate resource, but of the same resource type, you can create groups 
of them in order to perform group operations.

for example, suppose you have three contexts, "/", "/webapp1", and 
"/webappTWO". You can create a group with "/" and "/webapp1", perform a 
group operation "disable webapp" on that group, and you would be 
disabling just those contexts, leaving the third, /webappTWO, as-is.

On 07/06/2011 05:07 PM, Stefan Negrea wrote:
> Hello Everybody,
> I uploaded a couple of screenshots for the mod_cluster plugin prototype. During yesterday's design review meeting there were some concerns regarding the user interface/presentation of webapp contexts. mazz had a great suggestion to treat every webapp as sub-service to the main mod_cluster service.
> As you can see, each webapp context is a sub-service of main mod_cluster service (on the left hand inventory tree). The name of each sub-service is very descriptive (with path and host). Users can enable/disable/stop webapp contexts from the Operations tab of each sub-service. Global operations (eg. Reset the node) are available only through mod_cluster Operations tab. In the current version of mod_cluster, all the configuration settings are global (eg. Sticky Sessions) so only the main service has a Configuration tab.
> How does this look? Is a "webapp context" still confusing after seeing these screenshots? Any other suggestions on how to organize/structure the UI?

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