mod_cluster Prototype Screens

Stefan Negrea snegrea at
Wed Jul 6 21:07:09 UTC 2011

Hello Everybody,

I uploaded a couple of screenshots for the mod_cluster plugin prototype. During yesterday's design review meeting there were some concerns regarding the user interface/presentation of webapp contexts. mazz had a great suggestion to treat every webapp as sub-service to the main mod_cluster service.

As you can see, each webapp context is a sub-service of main mod_cluster service (on the left hand inventory tree). The name of each sub-service is very descriptive (with path and host). Users can enable/disable/stop webapp contexts from the Operations tab of each sub-service. Global operations (eg. Reset the node) are available only through mod_cluster Operations tab. In the current version of mod_cluster, all the configuration settings are global (eg. Sticky Sessions) so only the main service has a Configuration tab.

How does this look? Is a "webapp context" still confusing after seeing these screenshots? Any other suggestions on how to organize/structure the UI?

Thank you,
Stefan Negrea

Software Engineer

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