RHQ 4.0 Developer Preview 3 Available

John Sanda jsanda at redhat.com
Thu Feb 17 20:25:58 UTC 2011


We have just released RHQ 4.0 Developer Preview 3. This release is 
intended for developers and other interested parties who want a 
first-hand look at upcoming changes in RHQ 4.0, in particular the new 
GWT UI. Please note that this release is not intended for production use 
or serious testing.

New Features:
* Improved dashboard
* Improved operations UI (for single resource)
* Improved bundles UI
* System settings have been ported to GWT
* Support for Postgres 9.0
* Support for deleting agent plugins

More detailed release notes can be found here:


Please check out this release and give us as much feedback as you can.
Also we are very interested in getting more translations

The release can be downloaded from the link found in the release notes

Thanks to everyone who contributed.

- John (on behalf of the RHQ team)

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