testing HUD

Charles Crouch ccrouch at redhat.com
Sun Aug 21 04:16:58 UTC 2011

Further to the discussion on Friday afternoon around how to test HibernateDetachUtility, it doesn't seem to need an additional mock testing framework. I've attached a 17 line patch to HibernateDetachUtility which seems to do the trick of letting you swap out implementations of hash code generation. Also attached is HDUTest which is a 23 line (main method) test which at least according to my debugging, once TestHashCodeGenerator is being used, exercises during its execution all of the different code paths under:

 } else {
            // we have a situation where multiple objects have the same identity hashcode, work with our
            // collision map to decide whether it needs to be scrubbed and add if necessary.
            // Note that this code block is infrequently hit, it is by design that we've pushed the extra
            // work, map, etc, involved for this infrequent case into its own block. The standard cases must
            // be as fast and lean as possible.

Hopefully this could be useful in writing tests to confirm HibernateDetachUtility acts as we expect it to.

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