A bunch of questions...

Steven North swn at ocsystems.com
Tue Aug 2 17:15:34 UTC 2011


I have a number of questions about various topics.  Please see below:

In creating the agent plugin we have added a number of operations that 
are really intended to be used by the Remote Java client program and not 
the JON UI users.  Is there any way to hide agent operations so they do 
no appear in the Operations menu or pull-down in the Operations tab?  
Our work-around is to prefix the display name of the operations with 
some character string that at least sorts them into a separate group.

We are looking at a situation where we will have multiple alert 
notifications to gather snapshots from multiple resources.  What is the 
process for executing multiple notifications?  Are they executed 
serially or in parallel?  If serial, is there a way to "chain" alerts to 
get them to simulate parallel execution (at least get things going close 
to simultaneously)?  Would multiple separate alerts on the same 
conditions do any better?

In a related question, we would really like an alert notification to do 
several things:

- trigger diagnostic mode
- wait a while
- gather a diagnostic snapshot

Is it OK to have an alert wait?  Is there a better way to do this like 
"chaining" or something similar?  Can we get multiple such notifications 
going at the "same" time (previous question)?

Is there any way to manage the snapshot reports on the JON server?  At a 
minimum we would probably want to age them off to prevent using all the 
disk space.  Ideally, the user would manage them via the JON UI--is 
there any support for this?  Can periodic scripts be scheduled on the 
JON server to clean up these snapshots?  Our current default is to 
schedule a periodic operation in the JON Server RHQ Agent, if available.

At the lowest level we have some resources that represent "dynamic" 
entities which may come and go.  Is there a way to schedule discovery or 
set the discovery interval?  What is the normal discovery process?  Does 
it run just once when the root resource is discovered?  Would the user 
have to un-inventory and re-import root resources to see changes?  Is 
there a way for an agent to periodically discover new (child) resources 
and report them to the server?

Is there any kind of graph for calltime metrics?

Thanks in advance for your help.


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