custom plugin configuration

John Mazzitelli mazz at
Mon Apr 25 19:08:05 UTC 2011

Ah.. ok, now that does make sense. See? I knew there was something I was 
missing :)

IIRC, we actually do something similar in another plugin (I think there 
is a "JVM" plugin config property that defines some name the jmx plugin 
uses, I can't remember because I wasn't the one that wrote that code and 
don't know the details, but it sounds familiar - but if you have an RHQ 
Agent in inventory, look at its plugin config - its called something 
like JVM)

On 04/25/2011 02:58 PM, Bala Nair wrote:
> The reason I want to do this is so I can create my own discovery and
> component classes that implement common behaviors and use those to
> create a variety of plugins for different services ala the jmx based
> custom plugins.  Jmx does this with the objectName and nameTemplate
> config properties that let the plugin author inject data into the
> plugin.  I want to do the same thing with log file names, but I wanted
> the number of logs and their names to be determined by the plugin
> authors.  Most of our services are similarly behaved but with different
> data.  I suppose I could just point to a configuration file and get my
> values from there, but that's another file to track in source control
> and builds and kitting...

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