coregui.war gwt-compiler build settings

Ian Springer ian.springer at
Fri Nov 5 13:58:43 UTC 2010

By default, coregui will now be gwt-compiled for all browsers that GWT 
supports, and compiler optimizations are enabled. These are the settings 
we want for CI/QA builds and releases, but for everyday development, 
developers will want to only compile for the browser they're using (e.g. 
Firefox 3) and disable the compiler optimizations, in order to minimize 
the time it takes to build the coregui war. The following comments from 
coregui/pom.xml document the two Maven properties (gwt.userAgent and 
gwt.draftCompile) that can be used to override these two settings:


          This property is substituted, by the resource plugin during 
the resources phase, as the
          value of the user.agent property in RHQDomain.gwt.xml and 
CoreGUI.gwt.xml. The default
          value results in these GWT modules being compiled into 
JavaScript for all supported
          browsers. To limit compilation to your preferred browser(s) to 
speed up compile time,
          specify the user.agent property on the mvn command line (e.g. 
          or in your ~/.m2/settings.xml

          As of GWT 2.0.4, the recognized agents (defined in
          gwt-user.jar:com/google/gwt/user/UserAgent.gwt.xml) are as 

            ie6: IE6/IE7
            ie8: IE8
            gecko: FF2
            gecko1_8: FF3
            safari: Safari/Chrome
            opera: Opera

          Multiple agents can be specified as a comma-delimited list, as 
demonstrated by the
          default value below.

<!-- Override this via mvn command line or your ~/.m2/settings.xml to 
speed up
                compilation. -->

Here is what I have in my settings.xml:

<!-- Only gwt-compile JavaScript for Firefox 3.x. -->
<!-- Enable faster, but less-optimized, gwt compilations. -->

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