I18N, message bundles and I18Nlog

John Mazzitelli mazz at redhat.com
Wed May 26 12:07:45 UTC 2010

The idea was we auto-generate the languages we have in the I18NMessages 
classes and then manually supply the languages we don't have via 
.properties files. Its not hard to check in additional languages into 
git and then just bundle them together with the auto-generated ones.

So the maven pom would:

1) first auto-generate the language .properties that we can
2) copy the manual language .properties that are checked in next to the 
auto-generated .properties files
3) bundle up the jar, thus capturing both auto-gen and manual-generated 

On 05/26/2010 05:05 AM, Heiko W.Rupp wrote:
> Hi,
> we just got a contribution of brazilian (protuguese) installer messages - which is in
> .properties format, as "normal" java message bundles are.
> We are using I18Nlog with the annotated Interface as input
>     @I18NMessages( { @I18NMessage(locale = "en", value = "Create a database/user if needed"),
>         @I18NMessage(locale = "de", value = "DB mit -benutzer anlegen, falls nötig") })
>     String CREATE_DATABASE_NOTE = "createDatabaseNote";
> Which would require every contributor to add new translation to this file, which sounds more and more
> impractical.
> Also I've contacted transiflex.net that allows independent translators to translate stuff.
> Transiflex will very probably offer .properties files soon (at the moment they only offer .po
> files).
> So I propose to move all message bundle .properties files out of the I18NInterface
> into .properties files that reside in normal git ( one could leave the english ones and
> recreate the base .properties file after changes of the interface ) so that it will be
> easier for translators to add a new language or update existing files.
>   Heiko

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