enabling events show up only on the hour

Bala Nair bnairtm at comcast.net
Thu May 20 13:53:45 UTC 2010

The resouces we are monitoring for log events are:

- the jbossAS server hosting the rhq server (type JBossAS Server, 
version 4.2.3.GA, monitoring rhq-server-log4j.log)
- the rhq management agent (type RHQ Agent, version 3.0.0.B04, 
monitoring agent.log and command-trace.log
- the linux platform plugin (type Linux, version Linux 
2.6.18-128.1.6.el5.xs5.5.0.50xen, monitoring var/log/messages and 

We have seen this issue in all these plugins.


On 5/17/10 5:49 PM, Joseph Marques wrote:
> Yes, those two you found are/were in fact valid defects, but they are 
> fixed in trunk/master now.  The bug your seeing should not have any 
> interaction with the defects in either of those bugs.
> Based off of your description, I would guess there is a bug in the 
> plugin(s) responsible for collecting the raw log data (as opposed to 
> the mechanism that reports those events up to the server, or any other 
> server-side logic).  So which resource types are we talking about 
> here?  JBossAS server logs?  RHQ Agent logs?  Please provide an 
> exhaustive list of all resource types you've seen this phenomenon with 
> so we can investigate those corresponding plugins.
> On 05/17/2010 05:38 PM, Bala Nair wrote:
>> Searched bugzilla and found these 2 alert issues:
>> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=535788 - Alerts don't 
>> fire for up to 1.5 hours after creation
>> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=545062 - Alerts based on 
>> events start fire after an unknown delay
>> However, these are alerts based on events.  I'm not creating alerts, 
>> just looking at events.  I'm not familiar enough with events vs 
>> alerts to know if they're related.
>> We are using B04 on linux.  Nothing in the log, but I'll turn up log 
>> level and try again.
>> - Bala
>> On 5/17/10 1:40 PM, Heiko W.Rupp wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Am 17.05.2010 um 17:19 schrieb Bala Nair:
>>>> I have configured one of my agents to monitor the syslog and some of my
>>>> logs for events.  The configuration seems to work ok, but the events
>>>> don't show up on the event page until the top of the hour the first time
>>>> through.  After the first time they show up in a timely manner - it's
>>>> just that first time lag till the top of the hour.  Is this a feature of
>>>> the agent and if so is there any way to change it?
>>> This does not sound like a feature at all. I remember vaguely that we had
>>> some issues with Events not showing up -- could you please browse
>>> Bugzilla if you find the issue?
>>> What version of RHQ are you using? On what system? Are there any hints in the log?
>>>    Heiko
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