Things I dont know how to do with plugins

John Mazzitelli mazz at
Wed Jan 27 22:10:32 UTC 2010

[sending this to rhq-users mailing list - its more appropriate there]

 > I have tried to do it with the agent-configuration.xml in the
 > agent/conf directory but it doesn't seem to have made it any faster.

Read the comments at the very top of agent-configuration.xml - 
specifically where it talks about changing this file and how it isn't 
always picked up since the config file is not where the persisted config 
is stored.

Also read this (and see the note in the yellow box):

I don't know if this is related, but perhaps:

I think you want to change the agent preference 
"rhq.agent.plugins.availability-scan.period-secs" - its got a comment in 
agent-configuration.xml to tell you what it is for.

John Mazz

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Things I dont know how to do with plugins
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2010 16:55:42 -0500
From: John Holland <jholland at>
Reply-To: rhq-devel at
To: rhq-devel at

I'm posing this question here as I think this list will have the most
knowledgeable people about RHQ. This is a bit of an end user question

We're looking at using RHQ/JON to monitor VMs. I have set up a template
for VMs that has jboss EAP 5.0 and rhq-agent. What I'm running into is
that it takes a long time for a up/down status change on the Jboss to
register with the JON server. I'm shutting down JBOSS and just waiting
for JON to get the news. in the agent.log I see  this which seems to be
the moment the news is sent from the agent:
2010-01-27 16:36:07,365 INFO  [InventoryManager.availability-1]
(rhq.core.pc.inventory.InventoryManager)- Sending availability report to

I believe this was five or ten minutes after I shut down the Jboss, the
log file is a little hard to go through but that's about what it seems.
I was watching the reload timer on the resource page in JON waiting for
it to finally realize the resource was unavailable.

Is there a configuration I can do on the agent or server to make it
react faster to time outs?

I have tried to do it with the agent-configuration.xml in the agent/conf
directory but it doesn't seem to have made it any faster.

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