Things I dont know how to do with plugins

John Holland jholland at
Wed Jan 27 21:55:42 UTC 2010

I'm posing this question here as I think this list will have the most 
knowledgeable people about RHQ. This is a bit of an end user question 

We're looking at using RHQ/JON to monitor VMs. I have set up a template 
for VMs that has jboss EAP 5.0 and rhq-agent. What I'm running into is 
that it takes a long time for a up/down status change on the Jboss to 
register with the JON server. I'm shutting down JBOSS and just waiting 
for JON to get the news. in the agent.log I see  this which seems to be 
the moment the news is sent from the agent:
2010-01-27 16:36:07,365 INFO  [InventoryManager.availability-1] 
(rhq.core.pc.inventory.InventoryManager)- Sending availability report to 

I believe this was five or ten minutes after I shut down the Jboss, the 
log file is a little hard to go through but that's about what it seems. 
I was watching the reload timer on the resource page in JON waiting for 
it to finally realize the resource was unavailable.

Is there a configuration I can do on the agent or server to make it 
react faster to time outs?

I have tried to do it with the agent-configuration.xml in the agent/conf 
directory but it doesn't seem to have made it any faster.


John Holland

Bryan Kearney wrote:
> Working through a plugin, there were a couple of things I did not know 
> how to do. Any pointers on best practices would be appreciated.
> 1) I would like to exposed operations based on the state (availability) 
> of the resource.
> 2) I would like to kick off discovery based on an operation being executed.
> 3) I would like to update availability based on an operation.
> I assume some/all of this is supported.
> -- bk
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