jboss avail=DOWN

John Holland jholland at vizuri.com
Thu Jan 7 15:43:13 UTC 2010

Thanks to Ian and Jay for the help; I had already done a lot of starting 
and stopping things in different orders so I tried what Jay says below.
For whatever reason, my Jboss 5.0.0.GA EAP is running the default 
server, not production, when I do run.sh with no -c parameter. Other 
than that, what Jay said got it working. (following the advice at the 
link Jay gave to fix up the user account on the JBoss and putting that 
username/password in the Inventory-Connection profile) Thanks again.

Jay Shaughnessy wrote:
> John,
> There are a few reasons this could happen.  A common reason is that EAP 
> is authenticated by default.  From the FAQ:
> As explained in the JBoss EAP 4.2 documentation 
> <https://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/jboss/jboss-eap-4.2/readme.html#Default_Security_Settings>, 
> the jmx-console is secured by default, follow the instructions listed in 
> the EAP Installation Guide to define a username/password. Then add this 
> username and password to the "Configuration Properties" page of the 
> JBoss EAP instance. Also note that when starting a JBoss EAP instance 
> without specifying a configuration parameter (-c), it will be started 
> with the "production" configuration, as described in JBPAPP-198 
> <http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPAPP-198>.
> Typically this means you have to, minimally, set the username/password 
> to admin/admin in the EAP server resource (via the Inventory->Connection 
> subtab).  Without this the RHQ Agent's AS-5 plugin will not be able to 
> talk to the EAP instance.
> John Holland wrote:
>> OK, thanks to Jay Shaughnessy for getting me on track with JBOSS EAP 
>> instead of GA. I have JBOSS 5.0 EAP ruinning on a machine that has 
>> rhq-agent on it and is connecting to my RHQ server. It sees the Jboss 
>> correctly but it reports it's availability as DOWN. I believe this is 
>> wrong. How can I troubleshoot this?
>> Thanks,
>> John Holland
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