deploying ear/war bundle issue

John Mazzitelli mazz at
Mon Dec 20 21:17:35 UTC 2010

I'm looking at the following BZ:

I was going to make this a setting in the ant recipe but figured I'd ask 
for input just in case I'm missing something.. see comment here:

This feature will only be supported by the ant bundle type regardless of 
how we do it (see my comment #6).

For reasons I state in my comment #5, I'm leaning towards adding this 
setting somehow in the recipe.. probably this:

  <rhq:deployment-unit name="my-war" leaveTopDeployDirAlone="true">

where "leaveTopDeployDirAlone" is this new setting. BTW: I don't plan on 
using that name - I need suggestions, I can't think of a good name for 
this setting. Its supposed to mean: "this bundle will be deployed in a 
directory where other files are - those other files must remain intact 
so don't try to manage that top deploy directory and leave all files 
there alone". But I need that said in a single word or two or three for 
this attribute name :)

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