
John Mazzitelli mazz at
Thu Dec 16 20:56:29 UTC 2010

I introduced a new PermissionsLoader object and refactored all uses of 
GWTServiceLookup.getAuthorizationService() so it uses the new loader.

This DOES NOT CACHE any permissions. However, it now provides a single 
place where all loading of permissions will/should take place (assuming 
everyone uses it now).

to use:

new PermissionsLoader().loadExplicitGlobalPermissions(new 
PermissionsLoadedListener() {
    public void onPermissionsLoaded(Set<Permissions> perms) { your thing...

There are some benefits:

1) I looked at all uses of the AuthorizationService and they all had the 
same pattern - onFailure() always logged a error message (but some 
people duplicated, even though they said basically 
the same thing). onFailure rarely did anything else - if it did 
something else, it was usually small, ~1 line of code. This 
PermissionsLoader now provides you the onFailure code so we don't have 
to cut-n-paste the same thing everywhere. And it therefore consistently 
provides the same error message ("Failed to load the permissions - you 
have none" or something like that). if you really need the exception 
that occurred, you can get it from getLastError of the loader object 
(but in all the usages of AuthorizationService, no one needed the 
exception except to log it, which the loader now does for you).

2) You now only have to implement a single callback method - 
onPermissionsLoaded. You will be given all permissions that you have as 
the argument to that method - see javadoc for more.

3) We now have a single place where all permissions loading will take 
place that will allow us to track the loading of permissions in the app 
on the client side and will allow us to more easily introduce either a) 
some caching in the future if we deem it necessary and/or b) code that 
can help limit the amount of times we ask for the same kind of 
permissions multiple times in the same request.

4) I cut down the number of lines of code needed and the code around 
auth perm loading is now less cluttered.

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