cobertura introduces bad ant dep

John Mazzitelli mazz at
Thu Dec 16 03:32:44 UTC 2010

I had to fix the cobertura setup - specifically, I added a single line 
to the root pom to put that dep in the test scope.


and the BZ it blocks.

This was because it introduces a bad ant dependency that breaks the 
bundle subsystem (and maybe others - cobertura jar and ant jar were 
ending up in many places in the RHQ Server when they should not be since 
they are for testing only).

Filip - I checked in the fix to master but I assigned that BZ over to 
you to take a look and make sure that doesn't break anything. If it does 
break, we can't go back to the way it was because it breaks bundles (you 
can't create any bundles) so we'll need some other workaround.

In the meantime, using maven 2.2.1, my master builds ok and bundles are 
working, but I did not run any tests or run with cobertura.

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