Clarification Required in Implementing Nfs Share

Chethan Y chethan.casey at
Fri Sep 27 09:24:29 UTC 2013


    Please Correct me if i am wrong and let me know if there are any
suggestions or help. We Are Implementing Nfs Protocol for NAS Head
profile. As per my understanding

           CIM_ManagedElement  (Super Class)
           CIM_ManagedSystemElement     (Sub Class)
                     |                            |
           [ CIM_Share ]             CIM_Process
                     |                            |
           [ CIM_FileShare ]       CIM_UnixProcess
           [ CIM_NfsShare ]

              Instances of CIM_Process are running but CIM_Share is
not supported. So, We need to enable and implement CIM_Share and later
on we are going to add Nfs protocol for CIM_Nfsshare and CIFS protocol
for CIM_CIFSshare.

              CIM_EnabledLogicalElement is inherited in
LMI_Storage-Base.mof Where Could i find the CIM_Share file and i am
confused in which file should i start the implementation ?
               And also how to create a new cim class and register it?

Speedy reply would be really appreciated .

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