A provider for publishing Management Controller (Service Processor) information

Praveen_Paladugu at Dell.com Praveen_Paladugu at Dell.com
Thu Nov 14 19:17:14 UTC 2013

Incorporating Russ's inputs and some updates. Here is the udpated version of the MOF file.

[Description("Model an Out of Band Management Controller and capture its features and capabilities")]
class LMI_BMC : CIM_ManagementController

    [Description("This variable, should always capture the latest IP address of BMC.")]
    string IPAddress;

    [Description("The VLAN setting on the BMC NIC port.")]
    string VLAN;

    [Description("The MAC address of the BMC.")]
    string PermanentMACAddress;

    string BMC_URL;

    [Description("Function to assign a new IP address to BMC."
    "If the operation of setting the IP Address succeeds, return 0"
    "If IPMI command fails , return 1"
    "If the provided input is not a valid IP address, return 2"
    uint32  set_IPAddress(
                [IN, Description ("Set the IP address of the BMC, to the input value")]
                string Input_IP,
                [IN, Description ("Set the netmask to this input value")]
                string Input_Netmask,
                [IN, Description ("Set the gateway on BMC to this input value")]
                string Input_Gateway);

    [Description("Function to assign a VLAN ID to BMC."
    "If the operation of setting the VLAN ID succeeds, return 0"
    "If IPMI command fails , return 1"
    "If the provided input is not a valid VLAN ID, return 2"
    uint32 set_VLAN(
                [IN, Description("Set the VLAN ID of BMC NIC to this input value")]
                string Input_Vlan

    string Manufacturer_ID;

    string Manufacturer;

    string Model;

    string firmware_version;

    string IPMI_Version;

    [Description("Some servers have dedicated NIC attached to BMC, some share a LOM used for host n/w communications. This function will let the user determine which is the case."
    "dedicated: will let the user know that BMC is using a dedicated NIC"
    "A response like LOM1 will let the user know that BMC is sharing LOM1 of the server with the OS."
    string get_active_nic();


I just noticed there is already a provider in LMI for BaseBoard (https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/openlmi-providers.git/tree/src/hardware/LMI_BaseboardProvider.c ). Could someone please confirm, if it serves the same purpose?


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