access from cron jobs?

Troy Dawson tdawson at
Sat Jan 5 17:48:40 UTC 2013

On 01/05/2013 11:37 AM, Seth Vidal wrote:
> On Sat, 5 Jan 2013, Troy Dawson wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is there any way I can submit new pkgs to a copr by hand, instead of
>> through the web interface?
>> Here's my scenario I'm shooting for.
>> We would have a copr called "openshift-nightly".  We already have a cron
>> job that builds tar balls of any new point release of our code.  That
>> same cron job would then create a src.rpm from the tarball (we have the
>> spec inside), put it in it's public url area.  Then submit the new
>> package to copr, pointing to the URL.
>> Even something like "wget
>> would be fine.
>> If there isn't any way to submit via the command line, that's fine, as
>> long as you put it down for a feature request. :)
> There's no command line though I suspect something will need to be done
> about that. The problem at the moment is that openid-authentication and
> cli tools don't seem to have any overlap to speak of.
>> Another feature request, though a lower priority, would be to accept tar
>> balls as submissions.  This isn't as high a priority, because I am able
>> to create the src.rpm myself.  Just would be nice.
> One thing we talked about early on was how the goal was for this to accept
> srpms and emit repos. If we come up with a cli you can obviously take
> tarballs and churn out srpms on your own systems - and that allows us to
> keep feature creep out. SRPMS in, REPOS out.
> -sv

Sounds reasonable on both counts.
Ya, I think feature creep has make koji a little large.  So I'm ok with
it staying out.

I'm thinking even if we don't use copr, I'm going to update our cron job
to build src.rpm's along with tarballs.  That will help me in other
ways.  But I'll then be able to see how copr does with the whole
openshift stack.

Oh ... I just remember what else I was going to ask.

I don't seem to be able to grant permissions.  I'd like kraman and
maxamillien to be able to use my various copr's.  But When I go into
edit, it doesn't have a permissions setting.

Am I missing something (like I was with multiple arches) or is that
still something you are working on?


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