Ubuntu Trusty support (sort of)

Stef Walter stefw at redhat.com
Mon Mar 2 08:07:01 UTC 2015

On 01.03.2015 03:40, Jared Sutton wrote:
> As a follow up to the previous discussion on the Ubuntu PPA, I've
> updated the repository with a somewhat working Trusty package.  The
> problem with Trusty is the lack of systemd.  They have some skeleton of
> it in there, but it's nowhere near working (no systemctl executable, for
> example).  So for the moment, if someone wants to use it, they'll have
> to launch Cockpit manually (/usr/libexec/cockpit-ws --no-tls).  I'm
> thinking writing up an sysvinit or upstart script isn't going to be
> worth it, but if someone else wants to, I'll include it.

In general, Cockpit has been built so that we could support systems
without systemd, but it hasn't been a priority. This means three things:

 1. Using older sysvinit scripts to start up. As you noticed cockpit-ws
    can do this just fine, but nobody's written the scripts yet.

 2. Making the systemd journal dependencies in the C code optional at
    compile time, such as the stuff in src/common/cockpitlog.c

 3. Replacing large parts of the UI that use systemd, hostnamed, etc.
    Once we're further along with componentizing things, this will
    become easier. It would be rather frustrating to attempt this right


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