Ubuntu Trusty support (sort of)

Jared Sutton jpsutton at gmail.com
Sun Mar 1 02:40:30 UTC 2015


As a follow up to the previous discussion on the Ubuntu PPA, I've updated
the repository with a somewhat working Trusty package.  The problem with
Trusty is the lack of systemd.  They have some skeleton of it in there, but
it's nowhere near working (no systemctl executable, for example).  So for
the moment, if someone wants to use it, they'll have to launch Cockpit
manually (/usr/libexec/cockpit-ws --no-tls).  I'm thinking writing up an
sysvinit or upstart script isn't going to be worth it, but if someone else
wants to, I'll include it.

The only reason I went this far was because it's an LTS release of Ubuntu
and someone inquired about it.  I'll be updating the builds for the other
Ubuntu versions soon.

Jared Sutton
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