Ubuntu vivid (15.04)

Marius Vollmer marius.vollmer at redhat.com
Wed Feb 11 07:50:28 UTC 2015

Mark Constable <markc at renta.net> writes:

> On 11/02/15 17:11, Marius Vollmer wrote:
>> Does it make sense to improve Cockpit on Trusty?
> IMHO no. If considering trusty then utopic also needs a working
> release and I would think that all effort should be focussed on the
> next upcoming release (15.04 vivid) that will have a default, or near
> default, systemd.

Ok, very good!

> The next LTS is 14 months away and I would expect by then that cockpit
> would be working absolutely perfectly on a Ubuntu server [...]

Do you have or know of plans for end-to-end testing of Cockpit on
Ubuntu, like we do for Fedora right now?

We should expand our tests to more than one OS, and we would be happy to
run that on our CI machine, or help others to set this up somewhere

> [...] and if Canonical do not include it out of the box then it would
> be the first package added to 95% of new installations.


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