[cobbler] Help with Cobbler 2.4 and ESXi 5

Outland, Mike Mike.Outland at nexusis.com
Tue Feb 25 19:27:16 UTC 2014

Thank you for the quick response.

I’m wondering why this is the case.  I am only using the default options for tftp and cobbler in this regard.  Something must be instructing the system to look for /boot.cfg instead of /images/ESX-5.0-x86_64/.  Why would the cobbler templates not generate the boot.cfg in the proper location if it is infact in the tftpboot directory and not in the distro directory?  I would imagine if you had more than one ESX distro you would then have collisions on the boot.cfg.  I think something else is at play here.

Also how do I get the system to properly copy all the boot files to the tftp directory when running cobbler sync?


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