[cobbler] Help with Cobbler 2.4 and ESXi 5

Petro petro at cpetro.us
Tue Feb 25 19:04:51 UTC 2014

What is happening is that the -s /var/lib/tftpboot bit in 
/etc/inetd.d/tftp is telling in.tftpd (or tftpd depending on your 
system) to "chroot" to /var/lib/tftpboot.

Anything you want tftpd to see will need to be under that directory.

Alternatively you could change the bits after the -s to point where you 
want them.

My tendency is to prefer to leave the stuff in /etc/ alone as it's owned 
by RPMs and upgrades can undo work if you're not careful.

My choice would be to create the directory paths under 
/var/lib/tftpboot. Your life, your choice :)


On 14/2/25 11:29 AM, Outland, Mike wrote:
> Ok,
> I moved the boot.cfg that gets generated from 
> /var/lib/tftpboot/images/ESX-5.0-x86_64/ to the root 
> /var/lib/tftpboot/ and I get a new error of:
> /images/ESX-5.0-x86_64/tboot.b00: file not found.
> The only files I have in the images directory are:
> [root at cobbler ESX-5.0-x86_64]# ls -l
> total 2852
> -rw-r--r--. 1 root root    1340 Feb 24 13:34 boot.cfg
> -rw-r--r--. 2 root root 2833098 Feb 24 13:33 imgpayld.tgz
> -rw-r--r--. 2 root root   80008 Feb 24 13:33 mboot.c32
> Even though I have this in my distro:
> TFTP Boot Files                : {'$img_path/*.*': 
> '/var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror/ESX-5.0-x86_64/*.*'}
> However, I suspect this portion is actually failing because when I run 
> cobbler sync I see this error and I think it just quits the copy from 
> here:
> processing boot_files for distro: ESX-5.0-x86_64
> failed to copy file 
> /var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror/ESX-5.0-x86_64/mboot.c32 to 
> $img_path/mboot.c32 for ESX-5.0-x86_64
> Any idea on the following?
> 1.)  Tell the system to look for the boot.cfg in the 
> images/ESX-5.0-x86_64 directory instead of root?
> 2.)  Get the system to copy all necessary boot files to the 
> images/ESX-5.0-x86_64 directory
> I appreciate everyones help here, I feel like I’m finally getting 
> somewhere…
> -mike
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