[cobbler] Enabling pxe boot option via ipmi?

Nishanth Aravamudan nacc at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Wed Aug 13 16:28:48 UTC 2014

On 13.08.2014 [10:58:12 -0400], Jennifer Patrick wrote:
> Is there a PXE once option in cobbler?  Basically, my logic is that with a
> large amount of servers set to boot CD/HD/Network i'd like it if the
> already flexible cobbler can also issue a pxe flag to system (Like when you
> toggle "netboot_enabled") so that way the system will know to netboot the
> next time it's booted, and can commence with a network install.

pxe_just_once is a global flag to Cobbler, which changes the way one of
the kickstart snippets works -- it unsets netboot-enabled when invoked
in the %post section. It still relies on the victim server netbooting in
the first place and issuing that snippet.

Now, you *could* make a change locally to run IPMI pxe when
netboot_enabled is set for each system, on sync, and then "un-run" it
(I'm not sure if there is an equivalent of turn off "pxe" mode) in the
%post snippet. If the latter doesn't exist (that is turning on pxe mode
is really a one-off, and will automatically disable on victim reboot),
then I think you're best off just using a trigger on sync?


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