[cobbler] Build Report throws 500 Error

Tom Brown tom at ng23.net
Tue Mar 12 14:47:03 UTC 2013

> That's odd, that is definitely the line that was causing the issue, unless it's also in another module but that should not be the case since you only just enabled install reporting. 
> Can you verify the error is exactly the same, and that when you shut cobblerd down it did in fact terminate the process? Could you also download the install_post_report.py file from the master branch (or the release24 branch) on github and diff them to verify there are no other differences?

there arnt - but then i looked more closely at the error as i wrongly assumed that the 500 error was due to the same cause - it transpires that once that was fixed it was 500'ing due to a mail routing error and therefore this issue is indeed fixed!

many thanks

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