[cobbler] 2.4.0 beta 3 now has Kernel Options: {'repo': '$tree'}?

Zack Perry zack.perry at sbcglobal.net
Tue Mar 5 17:09:07 UTC 2013

Hi James,

As I alluded in my previous post, I had to slightly patch 

/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/koan/virtinstall.py and 

to get koan and virt-install work correctly in Scientific Linux 6.3 (a RHEL 6.3 clone). I would be stunned if anyone can provision Fedora{17..18} on RHEL 6.3 using these two utilities OOTB.  Could you share your experience?

BTW, the koan and virt-install that come with Ubuntu is hopelessly out of sync and I won't use Ubuntu on servers anyway x-(


-- Zack

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