[cobbler] Cobbler uses DHCP instead of a static IP

Elliott Barrere elliott at mywedding.com
Thu Nov 29 20:12:35 UTC 2012

Andrew Hamilton <ahamilton55 <at> gmail.com> writes:

> This isn't really and issue with the kickstart file as at this stage the 
Anaconda installer hasn't downloaded it. The kickstart is downloaded after the 
network has been setup. If you want to have eth1 used for DHCP you'll need to 
change the "ksdevice" entry that is passed to the kernel by adding 
"ksdevice=eth1" to the "Kernel Options" of the system (or profile). You can 
also setup a static IP on an interface with kernel arguments as well.
> I'm not sure if this is totally what you're looking for but I hope it helps.

That is great, thank you!  I didn't see this until I posted my last comment.

I have added the kopts as needed and it does seem to fix the issue.  It was my 
understanding that cobbler would automatically use the interface specified as 
"Management Interface".


Not that it's a deal-breaker, but it would be nice if that worked as expected.  

Thanks for everyone's help!

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