*paid install help?*: Cobbler on a OpenVZ container / "dhcpd" failing

Christian Horn chorn at fluxcoil.net
Tue Jul 12 13:51:55 UTC 2011


On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 06:41:09AM -0700, Frank wrote:
> To clarify, as I am not sure my description was understood correctly: 
> I am installing Cobbler on a OpenVZ container, but it should then be 
> used to install CentOS and other Linux OS on physical servers (not to 
> create VPS). Before I had that on a Virtuozzo server -- but also had 
> then needed help to install it, as I had the same problem I am facing 
> now).

Ah true, thats seperate topic then.
But should be possible if the protocols of a cobbler running on openvz
are properly available on the outside:
- on other servers linux live media could be booted, checked if
dhcp requests get answered properly
- tftp client to check that tftp is available to the other servers
- wget for files

Had nice problems in that area myself in the past: on a debian host
with kvm I did run cobbler in a virtual machine and could not get
other virtual machines to properly get the dhcp answered.  Had to
revert on the host offering dhcp at that time.


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