Moving tickets over to github, closing Trac tickets

Michael DeHaaan michael.dehaan at
Thu Dec 22 03:03:21 UTC 2011

It seems we have a fair amount of tickets left in Fedora Hosted.

Naturally I'd like to squash as many of these as I can… but…  

Since some are opened on old versions, and it would take a tremendous amount of time to validate all of them, I'm planning on closing basically everything in Trac with a note that if the issue still affects you, to open a new issue in github
(with a link to where to go).    

This is happening because there's a lot in there that is over a year old, and also, it spreads out the work of validation whether something is still a problem among a very large range of people.

This will probably have the added benefit of making lots of folks sign up for github accounts :)


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