Unable to set "None" valued kernel param through XMLRPC

Justin Sherrill jsherril at redhat.com
Mon May 17 20:43:02 UTC 2010


So currently with satellite/spacewalk we use the XMLRPC interface to set
kernel params.

If you want to set something like  foo=bar, it's as simple as passing
that key/value pair in a map as  "foo":"bar".  If you just want the
parameter "foo"  though with no value, there is no way to do this.  The
most sensible thing from a consumer of the XMLRPC interface is to pass
"foo":""  where the value is an empty string.  Cobbler currently renders
this as:


Instead of just:


I can easy change it to treat empty string the same as None when
rendering the kernel params, but I wanted to get feedback to see if it
would cause any issues.  Is there any reason not to make this change?


-Justin Sherrill

Justin Sherrill, RHCA          1801 Varsity Drive.
Software Engineer                Raleigh, NC 27603
Red Hat, Inc.

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