[blivet][PATCH 3/3] Get rid of the code related to finding existing installations

Vratislav Podzimek vpodzime at redhat.com
Fri Jan 23 14:18:18 UTC 2015

This has basically nothing to do with Blivet's area of interest.

Signed-off-by: Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime at redhat.com>
 blivet/__init__.py | 207 -----------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 207 deletions(-)

diff --git a/blivet/__init__.py b/blivet/__init__.py
index fff7fb5..8f07a7e 100644
--- a/blivet/__init__.py
+++ b/blivet/__init__.py
@@ -478,11 +478,6 @@ class Blivet(object):
         self.roots = []
         if flags.installer_mode:
-            try:
-                self.roots = findExistingInstallations(self.devicetree)
-            except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
-                log_exception_info(log.info, "failure detecting existing installations")
         if not flags.installer_mode:
@@ -2839,151 +2834,6 @@ class FSSet(object):
         self._fstab_swaps = set(devices)
-def releaseFromRedhatRelease(fn):
-    """
-    Attempt to identify the installation of a Linux distribution via
-    /etc/redhat-release.  This file must already have been verified to exist
-    and be readable.
-    :param fn: an open filehandle on /etc/redhat-release
-    :type fn: filehandle
-    :returns: The distribution's name and version, or None for either or both
-    if they cannot be determined
-    :rtype: (string, string)
-    """
-    relName = None
-    relVer = None
-    with open(fn) as f:
-        try:
-            relstr = f.readline().strip()
-        except (IOError, AttributeError):
-            relstr = ""
-    # get the release name and version
-    # assumes that form is something
-    # like "Red Hat Linux release 6.2 (Zoot)"
-    (product, sep, version) = relstr.partition(" release ")
-    if sep:
-        relName = product
-        relVer = version.split()[0]
-    return (relName, relVer)
-def releaseFromOsRelease(fn):
-    """
-    Attempt to identify the installation of a Linux distribution via
-    /etc/os-release.  This file must already have been verified to exist
-    and be readable.
-    :param fn: an open filehandle on /etc/os-release
-    :type fn: filehandle
-    :returns: The distribution's name and version, or None for either or both
-    if they cannot be determined
-    :rtype: (string, string)
-    """
-    relName = None
-    relVer = None
-    with open(fn, "r") as f:
-        parser = shlex.shlex(f)
-        while True:
-            key = parser.get_token()
-            if key == parser.eof:
-                break
-            elif key == "NAME":
-                # Throw away the "=".
-                parser.get_token()
-                relName = parser.get_token().strip("'\"")
-            elif key == "VERSION_ID":
-                # Throw away the "=".
-                parser.get_token()
-                relVer = parser.get_token().strip("'\"")
-    return (relName, relVer)
-def getReleaseString():
-    """
-    Attempt to identify the installation of a Linux distribution by checking
-    a previously mounted filesystem for several files.  The filesystem must
-    be mounted under the target physical root.
-    :returns: The machine's arch, distribution name, and distribution version
-    or None for any parts that cannot be determined
-    :rtype: (string, string, string)
-    """
-    relName = None
-    relVer = None
-    try:
-        relArch = util.capture_output(["arch"], root=_sysroot).strip()
-    except OSError:
-        relArch = None
-    filename = "%s/etc/redhat-release" % getSysroot()
-    if os.access(filename, os.R_OK):
-        (relName, relVer) = releaseFromRedhatRelease(filename)
-    else:
-        filename = "%s/etc/os-release" % getSysroot()
-        if os.access(filename, os.R_OK):
-            (relName, relVer) = releaseFromOsRelease(filename)
-    return (relArch, relName, relVer)
-def findExistingInstallations(devicetree):
-    if not os.path.exists(getTargetPhysicalRoot()):
-        util.makedirs(getTargetPhysicalRoot())
-    roots = []
-    for device in devicetree.leaves:
-        if not device.format.linuxNative or not device.format.mountable or \
-           not device.controllable:
-            continue
-        try:
-            device.setup()
-        except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
-            log_exception_info(log.warning, "setup of %s failed", [device.name])
-            continue
-        options = device.format.options + ",ro"
-        try:
-            device.format.mount(options=options, mountpoint=getSysroot())
-        except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
-            log_exception_info(log.warning, "mount of %s as %s failed", [device.name, device.format.type])
-            device.teardown()
-            continue
-        if not os.access(getSysroot() + "/etc/fstab", os.R_OK):
-            device.teardown(recursive=True)
-            continue
-        try:
-            (architecture, product, version) = getReleaseString()
-        except ValueError:
-            name = _("Linux on %s") % device.name
-        else:
-            # I'd like to make this finer grained, but it'd be very difficult
-            # to translate.
-            if not product or not version or not architecture:
-                name = _("Unknown Linux")
-            elif "linux" in product.lower():
-                name = _("%(product)s %(version)s for %(arch)s") % \
-                        {"product": product, "version": version, "arch": architecture}
-            else:
-                name = _("%(product)s Linux %(version)s for %(arch)s") % \
-                        {"product": product, "version": version, "arch": architecture}
-        (mounts, swaps) = parseFSTab(devicetree, chroot=_sysroot)
-        device.teardown()
-        if not mounts and not swaps:
-            # empty /etc/fstab. weird, but I've seen it happen.
-            continue
-        roots.append(Root(mounts=mounts, swaps=swaps, name=name))
-    return roots
 class Root(object):
     """ A Root represents an existing OS installation. """
     def __init__(self, mounts=None, swaps=None, name=None):
@@ -3015,60 +2865,3 @@ class Root(object):
     def device(self):
         return self.mounts.get("/")
-def parseFSTab(devicetree, chroot=None):
-    """ parse /etc/fstab and return a tuple of a mount dict and swap list """
-    if not chroot or not os.path.isdir(chroot):
-        chroot = _sysroot
-    mounts = {}
-    swaps = []
-    path = "%s/etc/fstab" % chroot
-    if not os.access(path, os.R_OK):
-        # XXX should we raise an exception instead?
-        log.info("cannot open %s for read", path)
-        return (mounts, swaps)
-    blkidTab = BlkidTab(chroot=chroot)
-    try:
-        blkidTab.parse()
-        log.debug("blkid.tab devs: %s", list(blkidTab.devices.keys()))
-    except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
-        log_exception_info(log.info, "error parsing blkid.tab")
-        blkidTab = None
-    cryptTab = CryptTab(devicetree, blkidTab=blkidTab, chroot=chroot)
-    try:
-        cryptTab.parse(chroot=chroot)
-        log.debug("crypttab maps: %s", list(cryptTab.mappings.keys()))
-    except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
-        log_exception_info(log.info, "error parsing crypttab")
-        cryptTab = None
-    with open(path) as f:
-        log.debug("parsing %s", path)
-        for line in f.readlines():
-            (line, _pound, _comment) = line.partition("#")
-            fields = line.split(None, 4)
-            if len(fields) < 5:
-                continue
-            (devspec, mountpoint, fstype, options, _rest) = fields
-            # find device in the tree
-            device = devicetree.resolveDevice(devspec,
-                                              cryptTab=cryptTab,
-                                              blkidTab=blkidTab,
-                                              options=options)
-            if device is None:
-                continue
-            if fstype != "swap":
-                mounts[mountpoint] = device
-            else:
-                swaps.append(device)
-    return (mounts, swaps)

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