[PATCH 1/2] Move autopart and swap suggesting functionality to anaconda

Vratislav Podzimek vpodzime at redhat.com
Fri Jan 23 14:14:48 UTC 2015

These has only very little to do with blivet and are used only as part of the
installation procedure.

Signed-off-by: Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime at redhat.com>
 pyanaconda/autopart.py              | 497 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 pyanaconda/installclass.py          |   4 +-
 pyanaconda/kickstart.py             |  10 +-
 pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/custom.py  |   2 +-
 pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/storage.py |   4 +-
 5 files changed, 507 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 pyanaconda/autopart.py

diff --git a/pyanaconda/autopart.py b/pyanaconda/autopart.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b04246
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyanaconda/autopart.py
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015  Red Hat, Inc.
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
+# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
+# the GNU General Public License v.2, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of
+# Public License for more details.  You should have received a copy of the
+# GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+# 02110-1301, USA.  Any Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated in the
+# source code or documentation are not subject to the GNU General Public
+# License and may only be used or replicated with the express permission of
+# Red Hat, Inc.
+# Red Hat Author(s): Vratislav Podzimek <vpodzime at redhat.com>
+This module provides functions related to autopartitioning that are installer
+import parted
+from decimal import Decimal
+from blivet import util
+from blivet.size import Size
+from blivet.devices.partition import PartitionDevice
+from blivet.devices.luks import LUKSDevice
+from blivet.errors import NoDisksError, NotEnoughFreeSpaceError
+from blivet.formats import getFormat
+from blivet.partitioning import getFreeRegions, growLVM, doPartitioning
+from pyanaconda.i18n import _
+import logging
+log = logging.getLogger("anaconda")
+# maximum ratio of swap size to disk size (10 %)
+MAX_SWAP_DISK_RATIO = Decimal('0.1')
+def swap_suggestion(quiet=False, hibernation=False, disk_space=None):
+    """
+    Suggest the size of the swap partition that will be created.
+    :param quiet: whether to log size information or not
+    :type quiet: bool
+    :param hibernation: calculate swap size big enough for hibernation
+    :type hibernation: bool
+    :param disk_space: how much disk space is available
+    :type disk_space: :class:`~.size.Size`
+    :return: calculated swap size
+    """
+    mem = util.total_memory()
+    mem = ((mem / 16) + 1) * 16
+    if not quiet:
+        log.info("Detected %s of memory", mem)
+    sixtyfour_GiB = Size("64 GiB")
+    # the succeeding if-statement implements the following formula for
+    # suggested swap size.
+    #
+    # swap(mem) = 2 * mem, if mem < 2 GiB
+    #           = mem,     if 2 GiB <= mem < 8 GiB
+    #           = mem / 2, if 8 GIB <= mem < 64 GiB
+    #           = 4 GiB,   if mem >= 64 GiB
+    if mem < Size("2 GiB"):
+        swap = 2 * mem
+    elif mem < Size("8 GiB"):
+        swap = mem
+    elif mem < sixtyfour_GiB:
+        swap = mem / 2
+    else:
+        swap = Size("4 GiB")
+    if hibernation:
+        if mem <= sixtyfour_GiB:
+            swap = mem + swap
+        else:
+            log.info("Ignoring --hibernation option on systems with %s of RAM or more", sixtyfour_GiB)
+    if disk_space is not None and not hibernation:
+        max_swap = disk_space * MAX_SWAP_DISK_RATIO
+        if swap > max_swap:
+            log.info("Suggested swap size (%(swap)s) exceeds %(percent)d %% of "
+                     "disk space, using %(percent)d %% of disk space (%(size)s) "
+                     "instead.", {"percent": MAX_SWAP_DISK_RATIO*100,
+                                  "swap": swap,
+                                  "size": max_swap})
+            swap = max_swap
+    if not quiet:
+        log.info("Swap attempt of %s", swap)
+    return swap
+def _getCandidateDisks(storage):
+    """ Return a list of disks to be used for autopart.
+        Disks must be partitioned and have a single free region large enough
+        for a default-sized (500MiB) partition. They must also be in
+        :attr:`StorageDiscoveryConfig.clearPartDisks` if it is non-empty.
+        :param storage: a Blivet instance
+        :type storage: :class:`~.Blivet`
+        :returns: a list of partitioned disks with at least 500MiB of free space
+        :rtype: list of :class:`~.devices.StorageDevice`
+    """
+    disks = []
+    for disk in storage.partitioned:
+        if storage.config.clearPartDisks and \
+           (disk.name not in storage.config.clearPartDisks):
+            continue
+        part = disk.format.firstPartition
+        while part:
+            if not part.type & parted.PARTITION_FREESPACE:
+                part = part.nextPartition()
+                continue
+            if Size(part.getLength(unit="B")) > PartitionDevice.defaultSize:
+                disks.append(disk)
+                break
+            part = part.nextPartition()
+    return disks
+def _scheduleImplicitPartitions(storage, disks, min_luks_entropy=0):
+    """ Schedule creation of a lvm/btrfs member partitions for autopart.
+        We create one such partition on each disk. They are not allocated until
+        later (in :func:`doPartitioning`).
+        :param storage: a :class:`~.Blivet` instance
+        :type storage: :class:`~.Blivet`
+        :param disks: list of partitioned disks with free space
+        :type disks: list of :class:`~.devices.StorageDevice`
+        :param min_luks_entropy: minimum entropy in bits required for
+                                 luks format creation
+        :type min_luks_entropy: int
+        :returns: list of newly created (unallocated) partitions
+        :rtype: list of :class:`~.devices.PartitionDevice`
+    """
+    # create a separate pv or btrfs partition for each disk with free space
+    devs = []
+    # only schedule the partitions if either lvm or btrfs autopart was chosen
+    if storage.autoPartType == AUTOPART_TYPE_PLAIN:
+        return devs
+    for disk in disks:
+        if storage.encryptedAutoPart:
+            fmt_type = "luks"
+            fmt_args = {"passphrase": storage.encryptionPassphrase,
+                        "cipher": storage.encryptionCipher,
+                        "escrow_cert": storage.autoPartEscrowCert,
+                        "add_backup_passphrase": storage.autoPartAddBackupPassphrase,
+                        "min_luks_entropy": min_luks_entropy}
+        else:
+            if storage.autoPartType in (AUTOPART_TYPE_LVM, AUTOPART_TYPE_LVM_THINP):
+                fmt_type = "lvmpv"
+            else:
+                fmt_type = "btrfs"
+            fmt_args = {}
+        part = storage.newPartition(fmt_type=fmt_type,
+                                                fmt_args=fmt_args,
+                                                grow=True,
+                                                parents=[disk])
+        storage.createDevice(part)
+        devs.append(part)
+    return devs
+def _schedulePartitions(storage, disks, implicit_devices, min_luks_entropy=0):
+    """ Schedule creation of autopart partitions.
+        This only schedules the requests for actual partitions.
+        :param storage: a :class:`~.Blivet` instance
+        :type storage: :class:`~.Blivet`
+        :param disks: list of partitioned disks with free space
+        :type disks: list of :class:`~.devices.StorageDevice`
+        :param min_luks_entropy: minimum entropy in bits required for
+                                 luks format creation
+        :type min_luks_entropy: int
+        :returns: None
+        :rtype: None
+    """
+    # basis for requests with requiredSpace is the sum of the sizes of the
+    # two largest free regions
+    all_free = (Size(reg.getLength(unit="B")) for reg in getFreeRegions(disks))
+    all_free = sorted(all_free, reverse=True)
+    if not all_free:
+        # this should never happen since we've already filtered the disks
+        # to those with at least 500MiB free
+        log.error("no free space on disks %s", [d.name for d in disks])
+        return
+    free = all_free[0]
+    if len(all_free) > 1:
+        free += all_free[1]
+    # The boot disk must be set at this point. See if any platform-specific
+    # stage1 device we might allocate already exists on the boot disk.
+    stage1_device = None
+    for device in storage.devices:
+        if storage.bootloader.stage1_disk not in device.disks:
+            continue
+        if storage.bootloader.is_valid_stage1_device(device, early=True):
+            stage1_device = device
+            break
+    #
+    # First pass is for partitions only. We'll do LVs later.
+    #
+    for request in storage.autoPartitionRequests:
+        if ((request.lv and
+             storage.autoPartType in (AUTOPART_TYPE_LVM,
+                                      AUTOPART_TYPE_LVM_THINP)) or
+            (request.btr and storage.autoPartType == AUTOPART_TYPE_BTRFS)):
+            continue
+        if request.requiredSpace and request.requiredSpace > free:
+            continue
+        elif request.fstype in ("prepboot", "efi", "macefi", "hfs+") and \
+             (storage.bootloader.skip_bootloader or stage1_device):
+            # there should never be a need for more than one of these
+            # partitions, so skip them.
+            log.info("skipping unneeded stage1 %s request", request.fstype)
+            log.debug("%s", request)
+            if request.fstype in ["efi", "macefi"] and stage1_device:
+                # Set the mountpoint for the existing EFI boot partition
+                stage1_device.format.mountpoint = "/boot/efi"
+            log.debug("%s", stage1_device)
+            continue
+        elif request.fstype == "biosboot":
+            is_gpt = (stage1_device and
+                      getattr(stage1_device.format, "labelType", None) == "gpt")
+            has_bios_boot = (stage1_device and
+                             any([p.format.type == "biosboot"
+                                    for p in storage.partitions
+                                        if p.disk == stage1_device]))
+            if (storage.bootloader.skip_bootloader or
+                not (stage1_device and stage1_device.isDisk and
+                    is_gpt and not has_bios_boot)):
+                # there should never be a need for more than one of these
+                # partitions, so skip them.
+                log.info("skipping unneeded stage1 %s request", request.fstype)
+                log.debug("%s", request)
+                log.debug("%s", stage1_device)
+                continue
+        if request.size > all_free[0]:
+            # no big enough free space for the requested partition
+            raise NotEnoughFreeSpaceError(_("No big enough free space on disks for "
+                                            "automatic partitioning"))
+        if request.encrypted and storage.encryptedAutoPart:
+            fmt_type = "luks"
+            fmt_args = {"passphrase": storage.encryptionPassphrase,
+                        "cipher": storage.encryptionCipher,
+                        "escrow_cert": storage.autoPartEscrowCert,
+                        "add_backup_passphrase": storage.autoPartAddBackupPassphrase,
+                        "min_luks_entropy": min_luks_entropy}
+        else:
+            fmt_type = request.fstype
+            fmt_args = {}
+        dev = storage.newPartition(fmt_type=fmt_type,
+                                            fmt_args=fmt_args,
+                                            size=request.size,
+                                            grow=request.grow,
+                                            maxsize=request.maxSize,
+                                            mountpoint=request.mountpoint,
+                                            parents=disks,
+                                            weight=request.weight)
+        # schedule the device for creation
+        storage.createDevice(dev)
+        if request.encrypted and storage.encryptedAutoPart:
+            luks_fmt = getFormat(request.fstype,
+                                 device=dev.path,
+                                 mountpoint=request.mountpoint)
+            luks_dev = LUKSDevice("luks-%s" % dev.name,
+                                  fmt=luks_fmt,
+                                  size=dev.size,
+                                  parents=dev)
+            storage.createDevice(luks_dev)
+        if storage.autoPartType in (AUTOPART_TYPE_LVM, AUTOPART_TYPE_LVM_THINP,
+                                    AUTOPART_TYPE_BTRFS):
+            # doing LVM/BTRFS -- make sure the newly created partition fits in some
+            # free space together with one of the implicitly requested partitions
+            smallest_implicit = sorted(implicit_devices, key=lambda d: d.size)[0]
+            if (request.size + smallest_implicit.size) > all_free[0]:
+                # not enough space to allocate the smallest implicit partition
+                # and the request, make the implicit partition smaller with
+                # fixed size in order to make space for the request
+                new_size = all_free[0] - request.size
+                # subtract the size from the biggest free region and reorder the
+                # list
+                all_free[0] -= request.size
+                all_free.sort(reverse=True)
+                if new_size > Size(0):
+                    smallest_implicit.size = new_size
+                else:
+                    implicit_devices.remove(smallest_implicit)
+                    storage.destroyDevice(smallest_implicit)
+    return implicit_devices
+def _scheduleVolumes(storage, devs):
+    """ Schedule creation of autopart lvm/btrfs volumes.
+        Schedules encryption of member devices if requested, schedules creation
+        of the container (:class:`~.devices.LVMVolumeGroupDevice` or
+        :class:`~.devices.BTRFSVolumeDevice`) then schedules creation of the
+        autopart volume requests.
+        :param storage: a :class:`~.Blivet` instance
+        :type storage: :class:`~.Blivet`
+        :param devs: list of member partitions
+        :type devs: list of :class:`~.devices.PartitionDevice`
+        :returns: None
+        :rtype: None
+        If an appropriate bootloader stage1 device exists on the boot drive, any
+        autopart request to create another one will be skipped/discarded.
+    """
+    if not devs:
+        return
+    if storage.autoPartType in (AUTOPART_TYPE_LVM, AUTOPART_TYPE_LVM_THINP):
+        new_container = storage.newVG
+        new_volume = storage.newLV
+        format_name = "lvmpv"
+    else:
+        new_container = storage.newBTRFS
+        new_volume = storage.newBTRFS
+        format_name = "btrfs"
+    if storage.encryptedAutoPart:
+        pvs = []
+        for dev in devs:
+            pv = LUKSDevice("luks-%s" % dev.name,
+                            fmt=getFormat(format_name, device=dev.path),
+                            size=dev.size,
+                            parents=dev)
+            pvs.append(pv)
+            storage.createDevice(pv)
+    else:
+        pvs = devs
+    # create a vg containing all of the autopart pvs
+    container = new_container(parents=pvs)
+    storage.createDevice(container)
+    #
+    # Convert storage.autoPartitionRequests into Device instances and
+    # schedule them for creation.
+    #
+    # Second pass, for LVs only.
+    pool = None
+    for request in storage.autoPartitionRequests:
+        btr = storage.autoPartType == AUTOPART_TYPE_BTRFS and request.btr
+        lv = (storage.autoPartType in (AUTOPART_TYPE_LVM,
+                                       AUTOPART_TYPE_LVM_THINP) and request.lv)
+        thinlv = (storage.autoPartType == AUTOPART_TYPE_LVM_THINP and
+                  request.lv and request.thin)
+        if thinlv and pool is None:
+            # create a single thin pool in the vg
+            pool = storage.newLV(parents=[container], thin_pool=True, grow=True)
+            storage.createDevice(pool)
+        if not btr and not lv and not thinlv:
+            continue
+        # required space isn't relevant on btrfs
+        if (lv or thinlv) and \
+           request.requiredSpace and request.requiredSpace > container.size:
+            continue
+        if request.fstype is None:
+            if btr:
+                # btrfs volumes can only contain btrfs filesystems
+                request.fstype = "btrfs"
+            else:
+                request.fstype = storage.defaultFSType
+        kwargs = {"mountpoint": request.mountpoint,
+                  "fmt_type": request.fstype}
+        if lv or thinlv:
+            if thinlv:
+                parents = [pool]
+            else:
+                parents = [container]
+            kwargs.update({"parents": parents,
+                           "grow": request.grow,
+                           "maxsize": request.maxSize,
+                           "size": request.size,
+                           "thin_volume": thinlv})
+        else:
+            kwargs.update({"parents": [container],
+                           "size": request.size,
+                           "subvol": True})
+        dev = new_volume(**kwargs)
+        # schedule the device for creation
+        storage.createDevice(dev)
+def doAutoPartition(storage, data, min_luks_entropy=0):
+    """ Perform automatic partitioning.
+        :param storage: a :class:`~.Blivet` instance
+        :type storage: :class:`~.Blivet`
+        :param data: kickstart data
+        :type data: :class:`pykickstart.BaseHandler`
+        :param min_luks_entropy: minimum entropy in bits required for
+                                 luks format creation
+        :type min_luks_entropy: int
+        :attr:`Blivet.doAutoPart` controls whether this method creates the
+        automatic partitioning layout. :attr:`Blivet.autoPartType` controls
+        which variant of autopart used. It uses one of the pykickstart
+        AUTOPART_TYPE_* constants. The set of eligible disks is defined in
+        :attr:`StorageDiscoveryConfig.clearPartDisks`.
+        .. note::
+            Clearing of partitions is handled separately, in
+            :meth:`~.Blivet.clearPartitions`.
+    """
+    # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+    log.debug("doAutoPart: %s", storage.doAutoPart)
+    log.debug("encryptedAutoPart: %s", storage.encryptedAutoPart)
+    log.debug("autoPartType: %s", storage.autoPartType)
+    log.debug("clearPartType: %s", storage.config.clearPartType)
+    log.debug("clearPartDisks: %s", storage.config.clearPartDisks)
+    log.debug("autoPartitionRequests:\n%s", "".join([str(p) for p in storage.autoPartitionRequests]))
+    log.debug("storage.disks: %s", [d.name for d in storage.disks])
+    log.debug("storage.partitioned: %s", [d.name for d in storage.partitioned])
+    log.debug("all names: %s", [d.name for d in storage.devices])
+    log.debug("boot disk: %s", getattr(storage.bootDisk, "name", None))
+    disks = []
+    devs = []
+    if not storage.doAutoPart:
+        return
+    if not storage.partitioned:
+        raise NoDisksError(_("No usable disks selected"))
+    disks = _getCandidateDisks(storage)
+    devs = _scheduleImplicitPartitions(storage, disks, min_luks_entropy)
+    log.debug("candidate disks: %s", disks)
+    log.debug("devs: %s", devs)
+    if disks == []:
+        raise NotEnoughFreeSpaceError(_("Not enough free space on disks for "
+                                      "automatic partitioning"))
+    devs = _schedulePartitions(storage, disks, devs, min_luks_entropy=min_luks_entropy)
+    # run the autopart function to allocate and grow partitions
+    doPartitioning(storage)
+    _scheduleVolumes(storage, devs)
+    # grow LVs
+    growLVM(storage)
+    storage.setUpBootLoader()
+    # only newly added swaps should appear in the fstab
+    new_swaps = (dev for dev in storage.swaps if not dev.format.exists)
+    storage.setFstabSwaps(new_swaps)
diff --git a/pyanaconda/installclass.py b/pyanaconda/installclass.py
index 0a92000..21ca085 100644
--- a/pyanaconda/installclass.py
+++ b/pyanaconda/installclass.py
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ import os, sys
 import imputil
 from blivet.partspec import PartSpec
-from blivet.devicelibs import swap
 from blivet.platform import platform
 from blivet.size import Size
@@ -34,6 +33,7 @@ import logging
 log = logging.getLogger("anaconda")
 from pyanaconda.kickstart import getAvailableDiskSpace
+from pyanaconda.autopart import swap_suggestion
 class BaseInstallClass(object):
     # default to not being hidden
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ class BaseInstallClass(object):
         disk_space = getAvailableDiskSpace(storage)
-        swp = swap.swapSuggestion(disk_space=disk_space)
+        swp = swap_suggestion(disk_space=disk_space)
         autorequests.append(PartSpec(fstype="swap", size=swp, grow=False,
                                      lv=True, encrypted=True))
diff --git a/pyanaconda/kickstart.py b/pyanaconda/kickstart.py
index 885bcd6..11e3492 100644
--- a/pyanaconda/kickstart.py
+++ b/pyanaconda/kickstart.py
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ from blivet.deviceaction import ActionCreateFormat, ActionDestroyFormat, ActionR
 from blivet.devices import LUKSDevice
 from blivet.devicelibs.lvm import getPossiblePhysicalExtents, LVM_PE_SIZE, KNOWN_THPOOL_PROFILES
 from blivet.devicelibs.crypto import MIN_CREATE_ENTROPY
-from blivet.devicelibs import swap as swap_lib
 from blivet.formats import getFormat
 from blivet.partitioning import doPartitioning
 from blivet.partitioning import growLVM
@@ -61,6 +60,7 @@ from pyanaconda.i18n import _
 from pyanaconda.ui.common import collect
 from pyanaconda.addons import AddonSection, AddonData, AddonRegistry, collect_addon_paths
 from pyanaconda.bootloader import GRUB2, get_bootloader
+from pyanaconda.autopart import swap_suggestion
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ def refreshAutoSwapSize(storage):
     for request in storage.autoPartitionRequests:
         if request.fstype == "swap":
             disk_space = getAvailableDiskSpace(storage)
-            request.size = swap_lib.swapSuggestion(disk_space=disk_space)
+            request.size = swap_suggestion(disk_space=disk_space)
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ class AutoPart(commands.autopart.F21_AutoPart):
         return retval
     def execute(self, storage, ksdata, instClass):
-        from blivet.partitioning import doAutoPartition
+        from pyanaconda.autopart import doAutoPartition
         from pyanaconda.storage_utils import sanity_check
         if not self.autopart:
@@ -823,7 +823,7 @@ class LogVolData(commands.logvol.F21_LogVolData):
             self.mountpoint = ""
             if self.recommended or self.hibernation:
                 disk_space = getAvailableDiskSpace(storage)
-                size = swap_lib.swapSuggestion(hibernation=self.hibernation, disk_space=disk_space)
+                size = swap_suggestion(hibernation=self.hibernation, disk_space=disk_space)
                 self.grow = False
             if self.fstype != "":
@@ -1093,7 +1093,7 @@ class PartitionData(commands.partition.F18_PartData):
             self.mountpoint = ""
             if self.recommended or self.hibernation:
                 disk_space = getAvailableDiskSpace(storage)
-                size = swap_lib.swapSuggestion(hibernation=self.hibernation, disk_space=disk_space)
+                size = swap_suggestion(hibernation=self.hibernation, disk_space=disk_space)
                 self.grow = False
         # if people want to specify no mountpoint for some reason, let them
         # this is really needed for pSeries boot partitions :(
diff --git a/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/custom.py b/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/custom.py
index dd87a4d..29528b8 100644
--- a/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/custom.py
+++ b/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/custom.py
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ from blivet.devicefactory import DEVICE_TYPE_DISK
 from blivet.devicefactory import DEVICE_TYPE_LVM_THINP
 from blivet.devicefactory import SIZE_POLICY_AUTO
 from blivet import findExistingInstallations
-from blivet.partitioning import doAutoPartition
+from pyanaconda.autopart import doAutoPartition
 from blivet.errors import StorageError
 from blivet.errors import NoDisksError
 from blivet.errors import NotEnoughFreeSpaceError
diff --git a/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/storage.py b/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/storage.py
index 4ecdfdc..d19a20b 100644
--- a/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/storage.py
+++ b/pyanaconda/ui/gui/spokes/storage.py
@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ from blivet.size import Size
 from blivet.devices import MultipathDevice, ZFCPDiskDevice
 from blivet.errors import StorageError, DasdFormatError
 from blivet.platform import platform
-from blivet.devicelibs import swap as swap_lib
 from blivet.devicelibs.dasd import make_unformatted_dasd_list, format_dasd
 from pyanaconda.threads import threadMgr, AnacondaThread
 from pyanaconda.product import productName
@@ -68,6 +67,7 @@ from pyanaconda.flags import flags
 from pyanaconda.i18n import _, C_, CN_, P_
 from pyanaconda import constants, iutil, isys
 from pyanaconda.bootloader import BootLoaderError
+from pyanaconda.autopart import swap_suggestion
 from pykickstart.constants import CLEARPART_TYPE_NONE, AUTOPART_TYPE_LVM
 from pykickstart.errors import KickstartValueError
@@ -801,7 +801,7 @@ class StorageSpoke(NormalSpoke, StorageChecker):
         if self.autopart and auto_swap == Size(0):
             # autopartitioning requested, but not applied yet (=> no auto swap
             # requests), ask user for enough space to fit in the suggested swap
-            auto_swap = swap_lib.swapSuggestion()
+            auto_swap = swap_suggestion()
         log.debug("disk free: %s  fs free: %s  sw needs: %s  auto swap: %s",
                   disk_free, fs_free, required_space, auto_swap)

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