[PATCH] Add a basic test for ostree-based installs.

Chris Lumens clumens at redhat.com
Wed Jul 9 14:49:43 UTC 2014

> > (1) Is there some additional way that I should verify success besides
> > just
> >     whether the installation completed?  For instance, should I check for
> >     certain files on the finished system?
> In what context can we perform tests here?  Inside the %post?

For the moment, yes.  It's certainly easiest, in that I can just put
whatever I want into the %post and make anaconda fail if a %post fails.

> To me the most valuable testing is integration testing - so for example
> rather than test installation directly, test whether the system boots at
> runtime and whether some functional tests pass.

This can be done, though with substantially more work and
infrastructure.  Probably the approach I would take would be to have a
%post script write something out that would automatically run on boot to
do all the testing and then shutdown, then my test script would boot the
VM after LMC succeeded.

> > (2) Are there other aspects of ostree+anaconda that need to be tested?
> The main risk in my mind is things in %post, or more generally things
> Anaconda might do to change the OS configuration or content.  That said
> I think we're in a relatively sane place now with the mounting setup,
> and things appear similar enough to mainline.

Looking through it, the ostree parts in anaconda aren't really all that
complicated.  I don't think there's really all that much to the
anaconda+ostree integration that requires much extra testing.  It's not
like we're presenting a lot of new configuration options that only get
used when doing an ostree install.  So, maybe there's really nothing
else I need to check?

- Chris

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