[PATCH] Add storage tests.

Chris Lumens clumens at redhat.com
Thu Oct 17 18:17:11 UTC 2013

These kind of fit into a weird area - they're blivet, but they're also
kickstart.  Thus, this seems like the best place for them.  You have to be
root to run them but if you're not root, "make check" will just skip over
them and not fail the test process.

The idea here is small, focused tests that verify anaconda behaves in a certain
way.  This includes checking that anaconda fails like it should in some cases,
and succeeds in others.  For now, we cannot verify that what was made matches
what we wanted.  That may come later, if needed.
 tests/Makefile.am                  |   2 +
 tests/storage/cases/__init__.py    | 242 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/storage/cases/bz1014545.py   | 110 +++++++++++++++++
 tests/storage/run_storage_tests.py |  14 +++
 4 files changed, 368 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 tests/storage/cases/__init__.py
 create mode 100644 tests/storage/cases/bz1014545.py
 create mode 100755 tests/storage/run_storage_tests.py

diff --git a/tests/Makefile.am b/tests/Makefile.am
index 3a0fc94..10374b4 100644
--- a/tests/Makefile.am
+++ b/tests/Makefile.am
@@ -42,9 +42,11 @@ dist_check_SCRIPTS = accelerators/check_accelerators.py \
 		     pylint/runpylint.sh \
 		     testenv.sh \
 		     gettext/gettext_warnings.sh \
+		     storage/run_storage_tests.py \
 TESTS = nosetests.sh \
 	pylint/runpylint.sh \
 	gettext/gettext_warnings.sh \
+	storage/run_storage_tests.py \
diff --git a/tests/storage/cases/__init__.py b/tests/storage/cases/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ea2f17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/storage/cases/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2013  Red Hat, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+# by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# Author: Chris Lumens <clumens at redhat.com>
+import logging
+import os, sys
+import re
+# Can't import from a directory with a dash in its name.  This is good enough.
+# Set up logging before blivet or anaconda are imported.
+# pylint: disable-msg=E0602
+blivet_log = logging.getLogger("blivet")
+import blivet
+from pyanaconda.installclass import DefaultInstall
+from pyanaconda.kickstart import AnacondaKSHandler, AnacondaKSParser, doKickstartStorage
+from pykickstart.errors import KickstartError
+class FailedTest(Exception):
+    def __init__(self, got, expected):
+        Exception.__init__(self)
+        self.got = got
+        self.expected = expected
+class TestCase(object):
+    """A TestCase is a way of grouping related TestCaseComponent objects
+       together into a single place.  It provides a way of iterating through
+       all these components, running each, and tabulating the results.  If any
+       component fails, the entire TestCase fails.
+       Class attributes:
+       components   -- A list of TestCaseComponent classes.
+       desc         -- A description of what this test is supposed to be
+                       testing.
+       name         -- An identifying string given to this TestCase.
+       platforms    -- A list of blivet.platform.Platform subclasses that this
+                       TestCase is valid for.  This TestCase will only run on
+                       matching platforms.  If the list is empty, it is assumed
+                       to be valid for all platforms.
+    """
+    components  = []
+    desc        = ""
+    name        = ""
+    platforms   = []
+    def __init__(self):
+        pass
+    def run(self):
+        """Iterate over all components, running each, and collecting the
+           results.
+        """
+        successes = 0
+        failures = 0
+        if self.platforms and blivet.platform.getPlatform().__class__.__name__ not in self.platforms:
+            print "Test %s skipped:  not valid for this platform" % self.name
+            return
+        for c in self.components:
+            obj = c()
+            try:
+                obj._run()
+            except FailedTest as e:
+                print "Test %s-%s failed:\n\tExpected: %s\n\tGot:      %s" % (self.name, obj.name, e.expected, e.got)
+                failures += 1
+                continue
+            print "Test %s-%s succeeded" % (self.name, obj.name)
+            successes += 1
+        print "Test %s summary:" % self.name
+        print "\tSuccesses: %s" % successes
+        print "\tFailures:  %s" % failures
+        return failures
+class TestCaseComponent(object):
+    """A TestCaseComponent is one individual test that runs as part of a TestCase.
+       It consists of a set of disk images provided by self.disksToCreate, a
+       kickstart storage snippet provided by self.ks, and an expected error
+       condition provided by self.expectedExceptionType and self.expectedExceptionText.
+       If the TestCaseComponent is expected to succeed, these latter two should
+       just be set to None.
+       A TestCaseComponent succeeds in the following cases:
+       * No exception is encountered, and self.expectedExceptionType is None.
+       A TestCaseComponent fails in all other cases.
+       Class attributes:
+       name -- An identifying string given to this TestCaseComponent.
+    """
+    name = ""
+    def __init__(self):
+        """Create a new TestCaseComponent instance.  This __init__ method should
+           typically do very little.  However, subclasses must be sure to set
+           self.disksToCreate.  This attribute is a list of (disk name, size in MB)
+           tuples that will be used in this test.  Disks given in this list will
+           be automatically created by setupDisks and destroyed by tearDownDisks.
+        """
+        self._disks     = {}
+        self._blivet    = None
+        self.disksToCreate = []
+    @property
+    def ks(self):
+        """Return the storage-specific portion of a kickstart file used for
+           performing this test.  The kickstart snippet must be provided as
+           text.  Only storage commands will be tested.  No bootloader actions
+           will be performed.
+        """
+        return ""
+    def setupDisks(self):
+        """Create all disk images given by self.disksToCreate and initialize
+           the storage module.  Subclasses may override this method, but they
+           should be sure to call the base method as well.
+        """
+        self._blivet = blivet.Blivet()
+        # blivet only sets up the bootloader in installer_mode.  We don't
+        # want installer_mode, though, because that involves running lots
+        # of programs on the host and setting up all sorts of other things.
+        # Thus, we set it up manually.
+        from pyanaconda.bootloader import get_bootloader
+        self._blivet._bootloader = get_bootloader()
+        for (name, size) in self.disksToCreate:
+            self._disks[name] = create_sparse_file(self._blivet, name, size)
+            self._blivet.config.diskImages[name] = self._disks[name]
+        self._blivet.reset()
+    def tearDownDisks(self):
+        """Disable any disk images used by this test component and remove their
+           image files from the host system.  Subclasses may override this
+           method, but they should call the base method as well to make sure
+           the images get destroyed.
+        """
+        # pylint: disable-msg=E0602
+        tear_down_disk_images(self._blivet)
+        for d in self._disks.values():
+            os.unlink(d)
+    @property
+    def expectedExceptionType(self):
+        """Should this test component be expected to fail, this property returns
+           the exception type.  If this component is expected to fail, this
+           property returns None.  All components that are expected to fail
+           should override this property.
+        """
+        return None
+    @property
+    def expectedExceptionText(self):
+        """Should this test component be expected to fail, this property returns
+           a regular expression that the raised exception's text must match.
+           Otherwise, this property returns None.  All components that are
+           expected to fail should override this property.
+        """
+        return None
+    def _text_matches(self, s):
+        prog = re.compile(self.expectedExceptionText)
+        for line in s.splitlines():
+            match = prog.match(line)
+            if match:
+                return match
+        return None
+    def _run(self):
+        from blivet.errors import StorageError
+        # Set up disks/blivet.
+        try:
+            self.setupDisks()
+            # Parse the kickstart using anaconda's parser, since it has more
+            # advanced error detection.  This also requires having storage set
+            # up first.
+            parser = AnacondaKSParser(AnacondaKSHandler())
+            parser.readKickstartFromString(self.ks)
+            instClass = DefaultInstall()
+            doKickstartStorage(self._blivet, parser.handler, instClass)
+            self._blivet.updateKSData()
+            self._blivet.doIt()
+        except (KickstartError, StorageError) as e:
+            # anaconda handles expected kickstart errors (like parsing busted
+            # input files) by printing the error and quitting.  For testing, an
+            # error might be expected so we should compare the result here with
+            # what is expected.
+            if self.expectedExceptionType and isinstance(e, self.expectedExceptionType):
+                # We expected an exception, and we got one of the correct type.
+                # If it also contains the string we were expecting, then the
+                # test case passes.  Otherwise, it's a failure.
+                if self.expectedExceptionText and self._text_matches(str(e)):
+                    return
+                else:
+                    raise FailedTest(str(e), self.expectedExceptionText)
+            else:
+                # We either got an exception when we were not expecting one,
+                # or we got one of a type other than what we were expecting.
+                # Either of these cases indicates a failure of the test case.
+                raise FailedTest(e, self.expectedExceptionType)
+        finally:
+            self.tearDownDisks()
+        if self.expectedExceptionType:
+            raise FailedTest(None, self.expectedExceptionType)
+        return
diff --git a/tests/storage/cases/bz1014545.py b/tests/storage/cases/bz1014545.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26e1f2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/storage/cases/bz1014545.py
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2013  Red Hat, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+# by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# Author: Chris Lumens <clumens at redhat.com>
+# pylint: disable-msg=E0611
+from . import TestCase, TestCaseComponent, create_sparse_file
+from pykickstart.errors import KickstartValueError
+class BTRFSOnNonBTRFSComponent(TestCaseComponent):
+    name = "BTRFSOnNonBTRFS"
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        TestCaseComponent.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+        self.disksToCreate = [("anatest-disk1", 1000)]
+    @property
+    def ks(self):
+        return """
+clearpart --all --initlabel
+btrfs none --data=0 --metadata=1 anatest-disk1
+    @property
+    def expectedExceptionType(self):
+        return KickstartValueError
+    @property
+    def expectedExceptionText(self):
+        return "BTRFS partition .* has incorrect format"
+class VolGroupOnNonPVsComponent(TestCaseComponent):
+    name = "VolGroupOnNonPVs"
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        TestCaseComponent.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+        self.disksToCreate = [("anatest-disk1", 1000)]
+    @property
+    def ks(self):
+        return """
+clearpart --all --initlabel
+volgroup myvg anatest-disk1
+    @property
+    def expectedExceptionType(self):
+        return KickstartValueError
+    @property
+    def expectedExceptionText(self):
+        return "Physical Volume .* has incorrect format"
+class RaidOnNonRaidMembersComponent(TestCaseComponent):
+    name = "RaidOnNonRaidMembers"
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        TestCaseComponent.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+        self.disksToCreate = [("anatest-disk1", 1000),
+                              ("anatest-disk2", 1000)]
+    @property
+    def ks(self):
+        return """
+clearpart --all --initlabel
+raid / --level=1 --device=md0 anatest-disk1 anatest-disk2
+    @property
+    def expectedExceptionType(self):
+        return KickstartValueError
+    @property
+    def expectedExceptionText(self):
+        return "RAID member .* has incorrect format"
+class BZ1014545_TestCase(TestCase):
+    components = [BTRFSOnNonBTRFSComponent,
+                  RaidOnNonRaidMembersComponent,
+                  VolGroupOnNonPVsComponent]
+    name = "1014545"
+    desc = """The members of various commands must have the correct format.
+For instance, raid members must have mdmember, and volgroup members must have
+lvmpv.  If they do not have this format, a KickstartValueError should be raised
+during storage execution time.
+Note that this is different from the error condition described in the bug.
+There, anaconda was letting the invalid format go and then hitting errors
+much further in installation - during bootloader installation.  The real
+bug is that this condition should be detected when the kickstart storage
+commands are being converted to actions.
diff --git a/tests/storage/run_storage_tests.py b/tests/storage/run_storage_tests.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e8c50b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/storage/run_storage_tests.py
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+import os, sys
+if os.geteuid() != 0:
+    sys.stderr.write("You must be root to run the storage tests; skipping.\n")
+    # This return code tells GNU make that this test was skipped.
+    os._exit(77)
+from cases.bz1014545 import BZ1014545_TestCase
+tc = BZ1014545_TestCase()
+failures = tc.run()

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