[PATCH] Convert escaped spaces on cmdline to _ (#874381)

Brian C. Lane bcl at redhat.com
Tue Jun 18 23:36:07 UTC 2013

From: "Brian C. Lane" <bcl at redhat.com>

We use shlex.split to parse the cmdline. This mostly works, except that
it removes any \\ from the string instead of converting them back to \

This results in the device LABEL having x20 in it, which isn't matching
the ID_FS_LABEL when looking for protected devices.

So, this replaces the \\x20 with _ when parsing the cmdline, which also
matches what ID_FS_LABEL expects. This results in the usb device being
filtered from the available disks for the install.
 pyanaconda/flags.py | 4 ++++
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)

diff --git a/pyanaconda/flags.py b/pyanaconda/flags.py
index 7a22c90..125db3a 100644
--- a/pyanaconda/flags.py
+++ b/pyanaconda/flags.py
@@ -143,6 +143,10 @@ class BootArgs(OrderedDict):
         if right.count('"') % 2:
             cmdline = left + middle + '"' + right
+        # shlex doesn't properly handle \\ (it removes them)
+        # which scrambles the spaces used in labels so use underscores
+        cmdline = cmdline.replace("\\x20", "_")
         lst = shlex.split(cmdline)
         for i in lst:

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