[anaconda][PATCH] Allow hubs and standalone spokes decide if it is possible to continue

Chris Lumens clumens at redhat.com
Mon Jun 17 19:18:39 UTC 2013

> +    def _register_continue_event_cb(self, cb):
> +        """Registers the callback for the continue event adding the check."""
> +
> +        self.continueButton.connect("clicked", lambda *args: self._checked_continue(cb))
>      def register_event_cb(self, event, cb):
>          if event == "continue" and hasattr(self, "continueButton"):
> -            self.continueButton.connect("clicked", lambda *args: cb())
> +            self._register_continue_event_cb(cb)
>          elif event == "quit" and hasattr(self, "quitButton"):
>              self.quitButton.connect("clicked", lambda *args: cb())

I find this part weird.  Basically how it looks to me is like there's a
chance for the continue button to be clickable, but if you click it then
you cannot continue.  We're currently controlling the sensitivity of the
continue button so it's only clickable if you are allowed to continue.
I don't really like tricking the user like this.

- Chris

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