Restart Button Behavior in Conductor WUI

Justin Clift jclift at
Fri Sep 21 21:47:54 UTC 2012

On 22/09/2012, at 3:36 AM, James Labocki wrote:
> I'd like to confirm the behavior I am experiencing is expected with regards to the restart button in conductor.
> 1. Launch two instances. One to RHEV provider and one to EC2 provider.
> 2. Wait until instances are running.
> 3. Select RHEV instance and select "restart".
>  a. Nothing happens in the conductor UI.
>  b. Nothing happens in the RHEV-M interface.
> 4. Select Amazon instance select "restart".
>  a. Instance restarts in EC2
> Is this known and expected behavior that the restart button on RHEV can be selected, but it does not do anything? 
> If this is a bug please let me know and I can open a bugzilla to fix it. If this is not a bug, can you provide insight on the level of effort to either:
> 1. check the provider when displaying instance information and remove the ability to press restart on providers that do not support restarting instances (RHEV)? 
> 2. Make the restart button restart the instances on RHEV.

This sounds related to the BZ here:

Though that one is for the restart functionality in RHEV/oVirt
itself, rather than about the button.

+ Justin

> Thanks for your help!
> -James

Aeolus Community Manager

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