Restart Button Behavior in Conductor WUI

James Labocki jlabocki at
Fri Sep 21 17:36:58 UTC 2012

I'd like to confirm the behavior I am experiencing is expected with regards to the restart button in conductor.

1. Launch two instances. One to RHEV provider and one to EC2 provider.

2. Wait until instances are running.

3. Select RHEV instance and select "restart".
  a. Nothing happens in the conductor UI.
  b. Nothing happens in the RHEV-M interface.

4. Select Amazon instance select "restart".
  a. Instance restarts in EC2

Is this known and expected behavior that the restart button on RHEV can be selected, but it does not do anything? 

If this is a bug please let me know and I can open a bugzilla to fix it. If this is not a bug, can you provide insight on the level of effort to either:

1. check the provider when displaying instance information and remove the ability to press restart on providers that do not support restarting instances (RHEV)? 

2. Make the restart button restart the instances on RHEV.

Thanks for your help!


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