Valid Audrey return types?

Justin Clift jclift at
Fri Sep 21 10:30:01 UTC 2012

Hi Greg/Dan/Joe,

Am creating a (complicated) 2 node assembly at the moment.  One complication
I'm hitting is that one of the nodes needs to generate an ssh key when
it's created, then place that on the other node as an authorized_keys

Similar to the Audrey pubkey example, but can't be pre-defined in
the XML.

The dbup.rb script in the Audrey Wordpress example makes me think
this could be achieved by something similar.  i.e. having a .rb file
that instead of returning "true" when the database setup script is
run, it returns the generated public key.

Audrey would then pass this across to the other node.  My scripting
there would see the public key in an Audrey environment variable,
then use that to create the authorized_keys file.

Does this approach seem ok, or am I over thinking this?

Note, I don't have a clear idea of what the valid return types are
for things listed as "returns" in deployables.  (like ipaddress and
dbup).  Hoping full files are ok, but kind of doubtful.  Text
strings workable?

Haven't seen any docs around this bit, but might have missed
them. (?)

All thoughts/ideas appreciated. :)

Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

Aeolus Community Manager

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