The new dev scripts

Crag Wolfe cwolfe at
Fri Sep 14 20:10:12 UTC 2012

Hi all,

Here is a a quick rundown of the current state of the dev scripts.

*Located at but location soon to 
change to somewhere in aeolus-incubator.
*There is a working that illustrates usage.  See 
(thanks Justin).
*Current is known to work for fc16, fc17, and rhel6.
*Currently installs system ruby but the next TODO is allow for 
user-specified ruby via rbenv.
*The "puppet apply" command if run as root is responsible for installing 
needed libraries/dependencies.
*The "puppet apply" command if run as non-root is responsible for the 
remaining bullets.
*Checks out master or indicated branch (via environment variables' 
definitions) of conductor, aeolus-cli and aeolus-image-rubygem.
*Location of the check out is configurable.
*Optionally applies one pull request to any of the three projects (via 
environment variables' definitions).
*Bundle installs Gemfile gems.
*Builds aeolus-image-rubygem locally and installs it into conductor.
*Configures conductor to use sqlite.
*Correctly points to existing imagefactory/iwhd/deltacloud via 
environment variables and oauth.json with valid credentials.
*Starts up conductor on the usual port 3000.

Thanks to John (aka eck) for the initial version of the code base and 
help along the way.

Some additional nice-to-have's
*Make port configurable.  That way we could quickly fire up two 
conductors at the same time to compare/contrast a pull request, for example.
*Postgres support.
*Ability to use an existing database.


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