Aeolus Dev Conference - Tuesday afternoon notes

Jiří Stránský jstransk at
Tue Nov 6 16:12:00 UTC 2012

Hopefully I got the important stuff right :)

Converge UI

* Motivation - converge Aeolus Conductor and Katello web UI look, also converge
   Conductor within itself

* MIT license

* Components - shell (header, footer, ...) vs. content (forms, ...)

* Currently git submodule


   * More content components

   * Developer guide

   * Make it a separate open-source project


* Carl, Bert, the infrastructure consumers

* Dennis, the app designer

* Sam, the system administrator

* /Persona descriptions will be available later/

Rails Engines

* A Rails App mountable into another

* Isolation of Ruby namespace, routes, views

* Uses the same DB as the host app, comes with own migrations

   * DB tables are also namespaced

* Testing with a dummy app located in test/dummy



* Rails Engine that talks to ImageFactory

* ImageWarehouse will be dropped

* Tim works with ImageFactory v2

   * Build is no longer there (it's a Conductor concept)

   * Metadata also stored in Conductor

   * ImageFactory's model: BaseImage ---< TargetImage ---< ProviderImage

* Tim responsibilities

   * Template store

   * Versioning

   * Custom data

   * Image imports

   * Error & status reporting

   * Metadata store


* Rails Engine for permissions

* The functionality is already present in conductor, now it's being factored out

* Reusable roles

   * Assigned not to only user/group, but to pairs - (user, object) or (group,
     object) => that results in (user, role, object) tuple

   * E.g. Frank is an owner of deployable Abcdef

* Querying - `check_privilege` vs. asserting `require_privilege`

* Filtering ActiveRecord queries - `list_for_user`

* Requires classes to represent users and groups (class names are
   configurable). The classes that represent target objects must include
   PermissionedObject mixin.

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