Thoughts on migrating www to pages.github

Matt Wagner matt.wagner at
Thu Jun 28 20:42:16 UTC 2012

On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 03:51:28PM +0200, Francesco Vollero wrote:
> Hello list,
> I am documentating and research about the opportunity in $subj to migrate our
> static website from nanoc + few accounts able to access our www machine to 
> the opportunity to have it hosted on github pages.

Yes! I'm one of a few people who has his key on the webserver so that I
can push updates, but I'm never sure _how_ to do it, and when I finally
find my notes on it, I'm still terrified of breaking something. It's a
needlessly complex process. The ability for anyone with commit rights to
be able to update the site -- by just doing a push -- is a huge win

A small added bonus, I think, is that it makes us that much more of an
independent project, versus something hosted on Red Hat infrastructure.

However, one thing I think we need to sort out -- right now we have
Redmine running at If we just moved the
static site, that would start to 404, and I'm willing to bet you can't
do rewrite rules on GitHub Pages.

It seems like the ideal solution would be to move Redmine to, though that does make the change a bit more

-- Matt

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