Thoughts on migrating www to pages.github

Francesco Vollero fvollero at
Thu Jun 28 14:08:12 UTC 2012

I just realized i /missed/ the [1,2]

[1] &&

Forgive me plz :)


On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 03:51:28PM +0200, Francesco Vollero wrote:
> Hello list,
> I am documentating and research about the opportunity in $subj to migrate our
> static website from nanoc + few accounts able to access our www machine to 
> the opportunity to have it hosted on github pages.
> Mainly the idea to suggest this method is because the current solution is:
> * Complex (deal with haml and nanoc)
> * Not everyone in the team can update the page (lack of permissions)
> * Usually is time wasting to update it (nanoc time + fix time + ɛ * rand() ) ( ɛ = epsilon)
> I did a small list of pro and cons about this migration:
> Pros:
> * Far more easy deploy phase
> * Reducing delays for website updates.
> * _Everyone_ within the team in github can update those pages.
> * Easy and _straightforward_ MarkDown syntax without tab/spaces weirdness
> Cons:
> * Migrate haml to md+liquid (isn't really complex)
> * Change a bit the layout + styling (e.g. [1,2])
> Please let me know your thoughts about it,
> Cheers,
> Francesco Vollero

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