Katello-Foreman-Aeolus Integration

Ohad Levy ohadlevy at redhat.com
Wed Jun 27 06:14:18 UTC 2012

On 06/26/2012 10:26 PM, Giulio Fidente wrote:
> On 06/26/2012 09:11 PM, Chris Alfonso wrote:
>> There has been a bit of discussion going on around how we might go
>> about using foreman's ability to do host provisioning with aeolus
>> and katello.
> not sure it will be of great help but for a GPS engagement we're
> currently working on some integration of Foreman and CloudEngine; we
> drive both from the rest apis from a customized web frotend

interesting, can you provide more info about what is the higher level 
functionality you are offering?
> we don't need of Foreman provisioning capabilities, so we run it with
> the 'unattended' mode disabled
> features we currently use:
> - parameters for hosts (still these are global vars)
> - hostgroups (as these are needed to inherit various and different
> classes)
> the puppetmaster is autosigning client's certificates;
are you sure thats wise? :)

> we use audrey to set the puppet-agent environment at launch time

> at launch time we POST (via foreman rest api) a new host into puppet,
> also setting its environment, hostgroup and passing to some host
> parameters, reused by the puppet classes
> puppet environments/classes/hostgroups definitions on the puppetmaster
> are managed by their ITops
> this allows the customer for a completely independent management of
> the puppet/foreman stuff while giving cloud users a chance to 'use'
> those services

interesting, did you see the EC2 support we have in foreman? do you have 
any idea how would that complement (if at all) your needs?


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