UI irritations wiki page

Jan Provaznik jprovazn at redhat.com
Mon Jun 25 12:31:19 UTC 2012

On 06/25/2012 01:34 PM, Jirka Tomasek wrote:
> On 06/22/2012 09:04 PM, Matt Wagner wrote:
>> Hi,
>> As discussed on the call today, I put together a wiki page outlining my
>> "annoyances" with our UI -- places we are inconsistent or do weird
>> things.
>> https://www.aeolusproject.org/redmine/projects/aeolus/wiki/List_of_UI_Annoyances
>> I seeded it with my own list, but the intention is to gather data from
>> everyone.
>> Please feel free to contribute your own, or share the link as you deem
>> appropriate. (This should probably go out to aeolus-devel, but I wasn't
>> certain if that's a good idea or not, so I'm holding off for the moment.
>> Please feel free to send there if you think we should.)
>> -- Matt
> Hi,
> I have added my findings to the wiki and sending it here too. I
> especially agree on Monitor/Administer distinction issue.
> I will try to go deeper in the app and update list with another issues.
> I think we should share this on aeolus-devel so I add it to the
> recipients. Hope nobody is against it.
> Here is the list (also available at
> https://www.aeolusproject.org/redmine/projects/aeolus/wiki/List_of_UI_Annoyances):
> * Logs UI needs polishing and figure out proper Logs link placement
> (original designs puts the link (icon) between pretty/filter togle
> buttons [1]), resolve places where logs sections should be also present
> (eg. related only to pool, deployment, instance, user, provider...) see
> logs section design: [1]
> * Launch from Catalog (dropdown) is not clear what it does (should be
> something like Launch NEW DEPLOYMENT from CHOOSE CATALOG)
> * Settings tab is kind of empty (is needed?) the first page just points
> to another with link
> * As Matt pointed out let's make the administer tabs first level and add
> Overview tab at the beginning.
> * Based on changed top tabs, let's make a dropdown shortcuts for the
> folowing tabs if the page under the tab is tabbed (Users, Environments,
> Content, providers (make a new provider link) [2], this also brings some
> space to utilize changes for better workflows which Brian works on.
> Display tabs and subtabs based on permissions of user.
> * Breadcrumbs - enable them everywhere, original point - maintain
> applied filters (viewstate), use it to help with the navigation (plays
> nice with dropdown tabs), we need to figure out proper placement and design
> * Notifications, the current placement of notifications is wrong and
> doesn't fit the current Header style. UXD Wiki says nothing about
> notifications look and placement either [3]
> * The Overpass font does not align vertically to it's line height.
> [1]
> https://github.com/aeolusproject/aeolus-ux-designs/blob/master/admin_ux_flats/ProviderDetail_Hardware.png
> [2]
> http://file.bne.redhat.com/~afitzsim/headers/SE-header-CSS-HTML/katello-header.html
> [3] http://design.lab.bos.redhat.com/wiki/Main_Page

Added a couple of things:
* flash instead of flash.now is used on same pages in combination with 
rendering instead of redirection -> flash message is displayed for next 
request too which is very confusing
* "name availability checking" when launching a deployment: 1) "next" 
button on new deployment page is disabled by default (no description 
why). 2) after changing and leaving name input field name checking is 
done on bg - there is no loadmask or description what is being done, 
user just sees disabled "next" button which is so confusing. 3) when 
user goes to this page by pressing "back" button on launch time params 
page, "next" button is disabled again even if name field is filled in. 
It would be best to remove this enable/disable of "next" button, 
information about name would be just displayed next to name field.

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