UI irritations wiki page

Jirka Tomasek jtomasek at redhat.com
Mon Jun 25 11:34:18 UTC 2012

On 06/22/2012 09:04 PM, Matt Wagner wrote:
> Hi,
> As discussed on the call today, I put together a wiki page outlining my
> "annoyances" with our UI -- places we are inconsistent or do weird
> things.
> https://www.aeolusproject.org/redmine/projects/aeolus/wiki/List_of_UI_Annoyances
> I seeded it with my own list, but the intention is to gather data from
> everyone.
> Please feel free to contribute your own, or share the link as you deem
> appropriate. (This should probably go out to aeolus-devel, but I wasn't
> certain if that's a good idea or not, so I'm holding off for the moment.
> Please feel free to send there if you think we should.)
> -- Matt


I have added my findings to the wiki and sending it here too. I 
especially agree on Monitor/Administer distinction issue.

I will try to go deeper in the app and update list with another issues.

I think we should share this on aeolus-devel so I add it to the 
recipients. Hope nobody is against it.

Here is the list (also available at 

* Logs UI needs polishing and figure out proper Logs link placement 
(original designs puts the link (icon) between pretty/filter togle 
buttons [1]), resolve places where logs sections should be also present 
(eg. related only to pool, deployment, instance, user, provider...) see 
logs section design: [1]
* Launch from Catalog (dropdown) is not clear what it does (should be 
something like Launch NEW DEPLOYMENT from CHOOSE CATALOG)
* Settings tab is kind of empty (is needed?) the first page just points 
to another with link
* As Matt pointed out let's make the administer tabs first level and add 
Overview tab at the beginning.
* Based on changed top tabs, let's make a dropdown shortcuts for the 
folowing tabs if the page under the tab is tabbed (Users, Environments, 
Content, providers (make a new provider link) [2], this also brings some 
space to utilize changes for better workflows which Brian works on. 
Display tabs and subtabs based on permissions of user.
* Breadcrumbs - enable them everywhere, original point - maintain 
applied filters (viewstate), use it to help with the navigation (plays 
nice with dropdown tabs), we need to figure out proper placement and design
* Notifications, the current placement of notifications is wrong and 
doesn't fit the current Header style. UXD Wiki says nothing about 
notifications look and placement either [3]
* The Overpass font does not align vertically to it's line height.

[3] http://design.lab.bos.redhat.com/wiki/Main_Page

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