Moving to Rally?

Matt Wagner matt.wagner at
Fri Jun 15 17:26:31 UTC 2012

On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 01:20:05PM -0400, Dave Johnson wrote:
> On Fri, 2012-06-15 at 12:58 -0400, Matt Wagner wrote:
> > I do not believe there is. The Rally setup I have seen runs strongly
> > counter to the aims of an open-source, community-led project. 
> Being fairly new to community led projects, in what sense?  That Rally
> is for Redhat internal and doesn't allow any community visibility?

I want to be fairly reserved because I haven't actually used Rally in
any serious capacity, but what I have seen has a per-user cost and is
private. We need everything to be public (with the possible exception of
security-sensitive bugs before they are disclosed), and we need everyone
in the world who wishes to contribute to the project, enter a bug report
of feature request, etc. to be able to sign up for an account at no
cost, and with a minimum hassle.

> And just curious, are we beginning to see more community participation
> outside of Redhat?  (not meaning that potentially low participation now
> is a reason to assume that will always be the case and a move to Rally
> makes sense)

We have had some community participation outside of Red Hat. It's not
exactly explosive growth, but it's no longer *just* Red Hat. (And, while
I know this isn't the argument you were making, just to be clear -- even
if we had zero interest outside of the company, I don't believe we could
rightly call ourselves a community project if we kept our bugs/feature
tracker private.)

> And how is imagefactory getting around this?  Are they not a
> community-led?

I honestly don't know what they are doing. I'm curious.

-- Matt

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